Zilart Mission 8

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(Redirected from Return to Delkfutt's Tower)
Return to Delkfutt's Tower
Series Rise of the Zilart
Starting NPC None
Title Destroyer of Antiquity
Repeatable No
Description Hurry to Delkfutt's Tower and stop the Zilartian princes from completing their plan to open the Gate of the Gods.
Previous Mission Next Mission
The Chamber of Oracles Ro'Maeve


Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map1.jpg
10th Floor
Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map2.jpg
11th Floor
Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map3.jpg
12th Floor
  • (Optional) Aldo's Decision: At the Tenshodo HQ in Lower Jeuno, speak to Aldo for a cutscene.
  • (Optional) Zone into Lower Delkfutt's Tower from Qufim Island or via Survival Guide for a cutscene.
  • Zone into Stellar Fulcrum for a cutscene.
  • Having a Delkfutt Key icon.png Delkfutt Key or Key Item Delkfutt key will greatly speed this mission up.
  • If you have a key, proceed to (E-8) on the first floor and go through the cermet door to the basement.
    • Then proceed to (J-8) for another cermet door.
    • In the middle of the spiral staircase at (H-8) click the ??? to be teleported to the 10th floor.
  • If you do not have the key then you will have to climb the tower regularly.
  • Once you reach Upper Delkfutt's Tower by any means, head for (F-8) on the first map and then through the door.
    • This area is not shown on the map.
  • Climb the stairs to the 11th floor. You'll need Sneak and Invisible to avoid aggro from Bats and Giants. There are also dolls and pots which aggro magic.
  • Proceed to (J-6) and go to the 12th floor.
  • Head for (F-10) and go through the teleporter to enter the Stellar Fulcrum.
  • Walk forward and click the Qe'lov Gate to enter the battlefield.

Boss Fight

  • You will enter a BCNM fight against Kam'lanaut. Buffs wear when entering the BC.
  • Clearing this BC ends the mission.
Area Boss Abilities Notes
Stellar Fulcrum Kam'lanaut
  • Great Wheel: AoE damage (~200) and Hate reset.
  • Light Blade: Single target heavy damage (~700-1200).
    • Has a charging time, and can be stunned.
    • It has high range, and can be blinked by Utsusemi.
  • Will cast Silencega, Dispelga and Slowga.
  • Can use an Elemental Blade attack which gives him an en-spell of that element.
    • It also causes him to be healed by magic of that same element.
      • Major nukes can heal him for a lot of damage if the wrong spell is used, so be careful. It can be Dispelled.
  • Immune to Sleep and Silence.
  • Approximately 10,000 HP.