Upper Delkfutt's Tower

From FFXI Wiki
Connected Zone Upper Delkfutt's Tower Arrives at
Lower Delkfutt's Tower H-8 Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map1.jpg H-8 Lower Delkfutt's Tower-map4.jpg
Middle Delkfutt's Tower F-6 Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map1.jpg F-6 Middle Delkfutt's Tower-map6.jpg
Stellar Fulcrum F-10 Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map3.jpg ?-? Stellar Fulcrum - Map.jpg
Quick Travel Options Arrives At
Home Point #1
Via Qufim
(F-9) Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map3.jpgUpper Delkfutt's Tower-map3.jpg
Map 3
Battle Content Location Notes
Grounds of Valor (G-7)

Map 1 - floor 10
Map 3 - floor 12


See Hunts Page

Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map1.jpgUpper Delkfutt's Tower-map1.jpg
Map 1
Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map2.jpgUpper Delkfutt's Tower-map2.jpg
Map 2
Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map3.jpgUpper Delkfutt's Tower-map3.jpg
Map 3
Middle Delkfutt's Tower-map4.jpgMiddle Delkfutt's Tower-map4.jpg
Map 4
Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map5.jpgUpper Delkfutt's Tower-map5.jpg
Map 5
Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map6.jpgUpper Delkfutt's Tower-map6.jpg
Map 6
Upper Delkfutt's Tower
Upper Delkfutt's Tower header.jpg
Japanese デルクフの塔上層
Map Acquisition Quest
Timeline Present
Region Qufim
Zone Type Dungeon
Activities None
Weather None


Notorious Monsters

Notorious Monsters
Lv. Name Genus Drops Map
75  Alkyoneus
   Forced: Trade Moldy Buckler to ???
This monster is aggressive. Sight
Gigas Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map3.jpg
12th Floor
83-85  Autarch
   Timed: 30 Min. - 3 Hr.
This monster is aggressive. Magic
55-58  Enkelados
   Lottery: Gigas Bonecutter
This monster is aggressive. Sight
Gigas Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map1.jpg
(F-8), (J-8)
10th Floor
71  Ixtab
   Lottery: Phasma
This monster is aggressive. Sound HP
36  Mimas
   Timed: 15 Min.
This monster is aggressive. Sight
Gigas Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map1.jpg
10th Floor
   Forced: Trade Hoary Battle Horn to ???
This monster is aggressive. Sight Verification Needed
Gigas Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map2.jpg
11th Floor
36  Porphyrion
   Timed: 5-10 Min.
This monster is aggressive. Sight
Gigas Upper Delkfutt's Tower-map1.jpg
10th Floor
This monster is aggressive. Aggressive   This monster is passive. Passive   Sight Sight   Sound Sound   Scent Scent   HP HP   Links Links
True Sight True Sight   True Sound True Sound   Magic Magic   JA JA


Historical Significance

This tower in the North of Qufim Island is overrun by a wide range of Gigas who were trapped there at the end of the Great War. Isolated in their gloomy tower, the Gigas are constantly searching for a way to get back to their homeland.

Towering over the surroundings in the center of Qufim Island is an enormous spirelike structure.

It's not certain who built this mysterious structure or for what purpose. But it's generally believed that long ago, an archmagus named Delkfutt created it in a single night using evil magicks.

The tower was originally infested with aggressive "living dolls" and "magic pots", and now it is a stronghold for the remnants of the Gigas army from the Great War, so climbing it is no easy feat. [1]


With Delkfutt Key or the key item variant, you can reach the 10th floor from the basement by interacting with a ??? in the middle of the spiral staircase at (H-8). This saves a lot of time scaling the tower from the bottom.