Saline Coat

From FFXI Wiki
Blue Mage Spell Information
Description Saline Coat
Available Level 72
Type Element: Light Magical
MP Cost 66 MP Cast Time 3 seconds
Point Cost 3 Recast Time 60 seconds
Target Self Range
Stat Bonus MP +10 VIT +2 AGI +2
Creates Job Trait Defense Bonus
Scroll: Saline Coat (Scroll) description.png
Enhancement Effect Magic Defense Boost Duration 180 seconds
Monster Type Luminians Monster Family Xzomit
Cumulative Enmity 1 Volatile Enmity 480


  • The effect is +50 Magic Defense Bonus at the time of casting and decays over time to +8 Magic Defense Bonus by the time it wears off.
    • 50 → 37 → 27 → 20 → 15 → 11 → 8
  • Note: There is currently a bug with this spell were the in game timer reports the duration is 3 minutes, but the spell wears off a minute early.

Spell Obtainment

Learned from: Xzomit Blue Magic Skill Required to Learn: 230+
Monster Level Zone Map
Ul'xzomit 68-71   Al'Taieu Al'Taieu-map.jpg
Om'xzomit 76   Al'Taieu Al'Taieu-map.jpg
Ab'xzomit 75-100   Abyssea - Konschtat
 Conflux #03
Abyssea - Konschtat-Map.jpg
Eschan Xzomit 115-119   Escha - Ru'Aun
Escha Ru'Aun marked.png