Scouring Spate

From FFXI Wiki
Blue Mage Spell Information
Description Deals water damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Weakens attacks.
Available Level 99
Type Element: Water Magical
MP Cost 116 MP Cast Time 5 seconds
Point Cost 8 Recast Time 60 seconds
Target AoE Range ~10'
Stat Bonus MP+30, MND+8
Creates Job Trait Magic Defense Bonus
Scroll: Scouring Spate (Scroll) description.png
Additional Effects Attack Down Duration ~3 Minutes
Monster Type Elementals Monster Family Elemental
Spell Mechanics
WSC% 80% MND
fTP 4.0, 2.0dINT
Cumulative Enmity Volatile Enmity


  • 20% Attack Down effect.

Spell Obtainment

Learned from: Elemental Blue Magic Skill Required to Learn: 393+
Monster Level Zone Map
(Gefyrst type)
Question   Yorcia Weald (U)
 Alluvion Skirmish. Cape or ring Eudaemon Item preferred.
Yorcia Weald Map.png
Treefrost Gefyrst Question   Foret de Hennetiel
 Water weather
Foret De Hennetiel Map.png
Speleothem Gefyrst 101-103   Sih Gates
 Rainy or squall weather.
Sih Gates Map.png
Bergschrund Gefyrst 126-127   Woh Gates
 Snowy weather.
Woh Gates Map.png
Hoarfrost Gefyrst 104-106   Morimar Basalt Fields
 Snowy weather.
Morimar Basalt Fields Map.png