Dread Spikes

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Scroll of Dread Spikes)

Dread Spikes (Scroll) icon.png Spell Information "Pages on this wiki that reference this item"
Description: Covers you with magical darkness spikes. Steals HP from enemies that hit you. Ineffective against undead.
Type: Black Magic Skill: Dark Magic
Target: Self Element: Element: Dark
Casting Time: 3 seconds Recast Time: 3:00
Cost: 78MP Duration: 3:00
Cumulative Enmity: 1 Volatile Enmity: 0
Command: /ma "Dread Spikes" <me>
Scroll: Dread Spikes (Scroll) description.png
Scroll Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Usable inside Mog Garden, Can Use, CanSendPOL, NPC tradable
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Scrolls ➞ Black Magic "Find Item on FFXIAH" "Find Dread Spikes on FFXIDB"
Spell/Job Level Information
Job Level Condition
Dark Knight 71 N/A
Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Bale Cuirass +1 icon.png Bale Cuirass +1 89 Body Increases amount of HP drained by 12.5%.
  • Without the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 56.25% of max HP.
  • With the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 66.25% of max HP.
Bale Cuirass +2 icon.png Bale Cuirass +2 89 Body Increases amount of HP drained by 25%.
  • Without the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 62.5% of max HP.
  • With the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 72.5% of max HP.
Heathen's Cuirass icon.png Heathen's Cuirass 99 Body Increases amount of HP drained by 25%.
  • Without the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 62.5% of max HP.
  • With the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 72.5% of max HP.
Heath. Cuirass +1 icon.png Heathen's Cuirass +1 99 Body Increases amount of HP drained by 35%.
  • Without the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 67.5% of max HP.
  • With the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 77.5% of max HP.
Heath. Cuirass +2 icon.png Heathen's Cuirass +2 99 Body Increases amount of HP drained by 45%.
  • Without the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 72.5% of max HP.
  • With the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 82.5% of max HP.
Heath. Cuirass +3 icon.png Heathen's Cuirass +3 99 Body Increases amount of HP drained by 55%.
  • Without the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 77.5% of max HP.
  • With the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 87.5% of max HP.
Crepuscular Scythe icon.png Crepuscular Scythe 99 Main Increases amount of HP drained by 50%.
  • Without the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 75.0% of max HP.
  • With the 1200 Job Point Gift, the new amount would equal 85.0% of max HP.

Stacks with the Heathen's Cuirass variants above. See the Crepuscular Scythe page for further details.


  • When you receive a melee attack, Dread Spikes drain HP from your enemy equal to the damage dealt.
    • Total is corrected by the enemy's Magic Damage Taken -% amount.
    • The Drain effect can also be resisted.
    • The full damage of the absorb counts towards the cap regardless of reduction/resists.
    • Monsters that attack via psuedo-TP moves (like Iron Giants) are not affected.
  • Continues draining to counter applicable damage until it reaches a cap, at which point it wears off.
  • Based on your HP when casted.
    • The cap is 50% of your max HP when the spell is cast, so wearing HP+ gear increases potency.
    • Potency increases by 10% for a total of 60% with 1,200 Job Points spent.
  • DRK's 1,200 Job Points Dread Spikes trait is added at the end of the formula.
    • Formula should be as follows: Current HP x 0.5 x (1 + Equipment Modifiers) + Job Point Trait.
  • Please refer to the above equipment table for information on how equipment modifiers interact with Dread Spikes.

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Mazween Aht Urhgan Whitegate - (G-7) 70,560 Gil


Bale Cuirass +2 Testing (ekky, BG)

Crepuscular Scythe Testing (Brahmsz, FFXIAH)