Sealed Fate

From FFXI Wiki
Battlefield Information
Location: Empyreal Paradox Level Restriction: None
Entry Item: Beckoning Bell icon.png Beckoning Bell Participation: 6 Members
Entry Currency: 250 Potpourri Time Limit: 60 Minutes
  • None
Personal Pool:


Name Qty Notes
Arch-Ultima Weapon
Biotechnological Weapon

Arch-Omega Weapon
Biotechnological Weapon


  • Recovering after a wipe is possible but they can aggro if a player is close enough.
  • Ultima has -99% MDT. Omega has -99% PDT.
  • Both Ultima and Omega have 5 Million HP each.
  • It is recommended to have a Summoner Mewing Lullaby as any TP moves which go off can result in a wipe. They are powerful.
  • They must be damaged simultaneously or Ultima will use Benediction after roughly 60s of 0 or little damage to either one.
  • If separated they gain a very potent Regen effect. Speculated at 300,000 HP/tick.
  • Ultima has a potent En-light effect which gets stronger the lower the HP.
  • Omega has a high Double attack rate, gradually becoming 100% Double attack and a chance of Triple attack when it stands up at 49%.
  • Omega will trigger a Hate reset when it stands up at 49%.
  • Geomancy debuff effects have 1/4 their original potency in this BCNM fight (This does not affect buffing Geomancy).
  • Accuracy caps somewhere around 1450-1500
  • Enmity mechanics in this BC are similar to that of UNMs. Level 99 mobs with boosted stats. To hold hate you must deal damage. Because of this, players may find it hard to get a full Astral Conduit off due to pet dying very early.

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