Sealion's Den

From FFXI Wiki
Sealion's Den
Sealions Den.jpg
Japanese 海獅子の巣窟
Map Acquisition Map Vendor or Quest
Requires Chains of Promathia
Timeline Present
Continent Quon
Region Tavnazian Archipelago
Zone Type Battlefield Location
Activities None
Weather None
*The Tavnazian Safehold Home Point #2 will bring you close to the Den's entrance.
  • Sueleen at (H-6) will teleport you to Al'Taieu only after access to the area is obtained through storyline progression.
Sealion's Den Connected Zone Zones To
(H-5) Sealion's Den-map.jpg Tavnazian Safehold (H-10) Tavnazian Safehold-map3.jpg
(H-6) Sealion's Den-map.jpg Al'Taieu (H-12) Al'Taieu-map.jpg
Sealion's Den-map.jpgSealion's Den-map.jpg


Name Map Pos. Notes
Jovial Rat 1 H-6 Cutscene Replay
Name Map Pos. Notes
Sueleen 1 H-6 Permits entry to Lumoria


Fame Name NPC Pos. Zone Rewards
None - but Requires Completion of RoZ Missions Apocalypse Nigh Esha'ntarl Ru'Lude Gardens - Palace Selection of:

Historical Significance

Sealion's Den is a small cavern connected to an airship dock, a means of aerial transport out of the Tavnazian Safehold. It is through this area that players will initially gain access to a region known as Lumoria.