Seekers of Adoulin Mission 4-3-2

From FFXI Wiki
A New Force Arises
Series Seekers of Adoulin
Starting NPC N/A
Title None
Repeatable No
Description Mission Orders: Morimar proffers that Sajj'aka's scales have been sealed deep within the labyrinth. Employ The holy dragon's protection to access areas of Ra'Kaznar previously sealed off, and find his scales.
Previous Mission Next Mission
Morimar (mission) The Sacred Sapling

Note: At several points, your progress in navigating Outer Ra'Kaznar may be interrupted by several Colonization Reives. If you have not done so already, talk to Lerene standing at (N-7) near the zone to Kamihr Drifts to start the Quest Lerene's Lament, which requires trading her 2 Ancestral Cloth to receive the Key Item "Pulverizing" Key Item. This will allow you to damage and destroy the Amaranth Barriers blocking progress into the zone.


  • Head to Outer Ra'Kaznar by using the Liseran Door: Entrance in Kamihr Drifts (F-8).
  • In Outer Ra'Kaznar, find and examine the following location:
    • Effigy of Sealing at (I-11) (First Floor) to receive the Key Item Starblessed scale.
    • Silvery Plate at (C-7) (First Floor) to receive the Key Item Silvery plate.
      • Note: Do not proceed to next scale before picking up this Key Item. It allows use of the elevator at (I-6) (First Floor) to reach last scale.
    • Effigy of Sealing at (H-2) (First Floor) to receive the Key Item Moontouched scale.
    • Demonic Architrave at (C-8) (Second Floor) to receive the Key Item Sunkissed scale.
      • While the scales can be collected in any order, it is highly recommended to use the order provided above due to the natural flow of traversing throughout the zone.
      • (Optional): After collecting any scale, minor additional cutscenes become available at both the Alpine Trail at (H-5) in Kamihr Drifts and the Celennia Memorial Library. Even if they are not triggered by returning halfway through the Mission, they can still be watched at the Goblin Footprint at (K-11) in Kamihr Drifts and by talking to Jedelaih in the Celennia Memorial Library respectively.
        • There are no additional scenes for having collected two scales.
  • After collecting all the items, return to Kamihr Drifts - Biovauc #3 again and examine the Alpine Trail at (H-5) for a cutscene and the Key Item World Tree sapling.

Navigating the ruins

Pathway to get all the scales