- Blighting Blitz: Deals high physical damage.
- Only used with 2 Swords
- Absorbed by 2 Shadows
- Soma Wall: Absorbs physical damage and restores HP equivalent to the damage taken.
- This ability lasts 30 ~ 45 seconds and melees should disengage/face away while it is in effect.
- Duration of the ability can be seen with the orbs in his armor. Normally they are purple but during this ability, they will glow red. Once they return to purple, continue your attack.
- Spell Wall: Absorbs magical damage and restores HP equivalent to damage taken. This ability lasts 30 ~ 45 seconds and magical damage should be avoided while in effect.
- Cross Smash: Cone damage with additional effect Defense Down.
- Vicious Kick: Single target damage with additional effect Paralyze.
- Doom Arc: Does 300~700 damage with extreme knock-back effect after a short dialogue and inflicts a 10 second Doom.
- Implosion: inflicts Max HP Down and does 200~500 damage to party members within the area of effect.
- Has the ability to summon 4 clones. Followed by a quick dialogue and an Utsusemi-like animation.
- Clones have low HP and defense, but high attack power.
- Certain weapon skills also have a Dispel effect.
- While switching from 1 sword to 2 and vice versa, he becomes invincible for about 10 seconds.
- Hate deteriorates rapidly during the fight and is reset each time he swaps weapon modes.
- Highly resistant to magic damage.
- Melee damage is slightly resisted.