The Wyrm God
- May be fought multiple times after reaching the quest The Wyrm God.
- Changes between spread and down wings every 3 minutes.
- While Shinryu's wings are spread, it will gain access to Meteor (30') and absorb damage while readying a weaponskill or casting spells.
- While Shinryu's wings are down it will gain access to Comet, -30% damage taken, and quick cast.
- Possesses Draw In and the following abilities:
- Atomic Ray: (Only while wings are spread)
AoE damage and -50% to attributes (STR, etc). Prevented with cruor buffs.
- Cataclysmic Vortex:
AoE HP reduced to 1 and resets enmity of the highest player.
- Cosmic Breath:
conal damage with additional effect Plague and Attack Down, Magic Attack Down, and Frost.
- May be avoided by standing to the side.
- Dark Matter:
20' AoE damage and Terror (15 seconds+)
- Gyre Charge
AoE damage with additional effect Paralyze and Knockback.
- Mighty Guard:
Recovers ~15% HP, gains a dispellable 100 TP/tick Regain effect, and nullifies any damage that is less than 300.
- Gains the following under 50%:
- Supernova: (Only while wings are down)
20' AoE percentage-based damage and 10-count doom
- Protostar: (Only while wings are spread)
20' AoE damage and all unused abilities will have timers reset.
- Casts various -ga IV, AM, and AMII spells, and Meteor.
- Below 50% HP it will often use the same TP move or cast the same spell 3-5 times in a row.
- Regular melee attacks are considered weaponskills, keep this in mind when trying to get the Red, Blue, and Green staggers.
The Wyrm God ★
- This Key Item is not consumed unless engaging with the original Shinryu.
- Supernova will not be used on Very Easy and Easy difficulties.