
From FFXI Wiki

Spikeflail is a powerful and long ranged TP move caused when a Wyrm has enmity from behind. Historically the move would be a death sentence for most of an alliance if a player triggered it. This includes if a Wyrm is getting stuck on something, causing it to try and spin and readjust its position.
A classic example of this being the usage of Darters in Dragon's Aery to force Fafnir or Nidhogg to have to move around and thus cause a Flail. Additionally, /blockaid would be used by alliances. As players outside of them try to establish hate by casting a spell on a player then proceeding to try and gain enmity to cause the Wyrm to move and Flail.

In much later times after fear of the Flail had long subsided. Spicyryan of Asura went on to co-opt an ongoing movement and Flail players in Domain Invasion. They never forgot, and never forgave.

While Flailing was the optimal strategy for NQ Domain Invasion fights and only KOed garbage-tier players and leeches. It was on the great and powerful giver of Domain bonuses and death, Mireu. That players without proper precautions would die. In an event so crowded players be unable to discern what is going on half the time or even see Mireu on their screens due to all the packet loss. Overall leading to several forum posts across AH.com/Reddit/Official Forums, visceral reactions, and lasting rumination.

Eventually the Devs would actually go on to patch the move in the June 10th 2022 Update. Changing the move to instead to reduce players within the AoE range by a percentage of their Max HP and warp the main target of the Flail back to their Home Point.

Domain Invasion Wyrm's Spikeflail was then subsequently adjusted from a cone of 180 degrees to 90 degrees in the July 11th 2022 update.

This change subsequently immortalized the moment as players unaware of the mechanic will ask why they are getting warped out of Domain Invasion. Ironically ensuring that it will forever continue to troll and punish the players, as was the goal from the onset.