Velvet Cloth

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Square of Velvet Cloth)
Velvet Cloth icon.png Square of velvet cloth
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: This cloth is woven from a mixture of silk and wool, or silk and cotton.
Image: Velvet Cloth description.png
Type: Item
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box
Stack size: 12
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Materials ➞ Clothcraft
"Find Velvet Cloth on FFXIAH" "Find Velvet Cloth on FFXIDB"

Synthesis Information
Yield Requirements Ingredients

Main Craft: Clothcraft - (45)


Main Craft: Clothcraft - (50)


Main Craft: Clothcraft - (50)

Used in the following Quests
Quest Name Notes
A Moral Manifest? Hooknox, Altar Room
Blue Mage Artifact Armor Lathuya, Aht Urhgan Whitegate (F-8)
Magus Shalwar icon.png Magus Shalwar, Magus Bazubands icon.png Magus Bazubands, Magus Jubbah icon.png Magus Jubbah
Corsair Artifact Armor Leleroon, Nashmau (G-7)
Corsair's Frac icon.png Corsair's Frac
Enveloped in Darkness Curilla, Chateau d'Oraguille - (I-9)
Warlock's Boots icon.png Warlock's Boots
Puppet Frame Creation Ghatsad, Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-7)
Stormwaker Head icon.png Stormwaker Frame
The Gobbiebag Part III Inventory to 45

Used in the following Synthesis & Synergy Recipes
Item Main Craft Level
Shade Tights Mini-Bonecraft.png Bonecraft 39
Shade Harness Mini-Bonecraft.png Bonecraft 42
Hexed Wristbands Mini-Bonecraft.png Bonecraft 106
Hexed Jacket Mini-Bonecraft.png Bonecraft 110
Garish Slacks Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 35
Garish Tunic Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 36
Black Slacks Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 52
Scarlet Ribbon Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 52
Black Tunic Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 53
Black Cape Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 54
Velvet Hat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 55
Chocobo Hood Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 56
Velvet Cuffs Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 56, 61
Velvet Slops Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 57
Velvet Robe Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 58
Salutary Robe Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 58
Red Cape Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 59
Black Mitts Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 60
White Slacks Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 61
Crow Bracers Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 62
White Cloak Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 63
White Mitts Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 64
Aketon Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 65
Hyo Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 65
Silk Hat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 65
Silken Hat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 65
Crow Beret Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 66
Opaline Hose Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 66
Silk Cuffs Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 66, 71
Argent Hose Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 66
Silk Slops Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 67
Silken Slops Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 67
Accura Cape Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 67
Crow Jupon Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 68
Silk Coat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 68
Silken Coat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 68
Ghost Cape Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 68
Vivacity Coat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 69
T.M. Hat +1 Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 70
Vermillion Cloak Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 70
Black Puppet Turban Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 70
Silken Cuffs Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 71
Battle Bracers Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 72
T.M. Cuffs +1 Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 72
T.M. Slops +1 Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 72
T.M. Coat +1 Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 73
Battle Jupon Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 78
War Gloves Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 81
Noble's Slacks Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 84
War Aketon Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 86
Noble's Tunic Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 87
Arhat's Hakama Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 88
Arhat's Gi Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 89
Sha'ir Turban Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 91
Used in the following Synthesis & Synergy Recipes
Item Main Craft Level
Errant Hat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 92
Sha'ir Seraweels Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 93
Hachiman Hakama Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 93
Cursed Hat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 93
Errant Slops Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 94
Opaline Dress Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 95
Cursed Trews Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 95
Errant Houppelande Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 96
Blessed Mitts Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 96
Yasha Hakama Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 96
Rasetsu Hakama Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 97
Cursed Slacks Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 97
Yasha Samue Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 97
Blessed Trousers Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 97
Cursed Coat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 97
Rasetsu Samue Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 99
Cursed Cuffs Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 99
Argent Coat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 100
Cursed Dalmatica Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 100
Blessed Bliaut Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 100
Hexed Bonnet Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 105
Haruspex Coat Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 109
Hexed Kecks Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 109
Hexed Bliaut Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 110
Sha'ir Manteel Mini-Goldsmithing.png Goldsmithing 95
Ugol Haubert Mini-Goldsmithing.png Goldsmithing 105
Crow Gaiters Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 56
Brigandine Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 57, 59
Crow Hose Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 63
Jaridah Peti Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 66
Battle Hose Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 73
Noble's Pumps Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 81
Wise Braconi Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 84
Wise Pigaches Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 85
Wise Cap Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 88
Wise Gloves Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 89
Chasuble Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 90
Errant Pigaches Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 91
Cursed Pumps Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 92
Sha'ir Crackows Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 92
Cursed Clogs Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 92
Sha'ir Gages Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 96
Blessed Pumps Mini-Leathercraft.png Leathercraft 99
Alumine Haubert Mini-Smithing.png Smithing 64
Haubergeon Mini-Smithing.png Smithing 69
Hauberk Mini-Smithing.png Smithing 89
Hachiman Sune-Ate Mini-Smithing.png Smithing 95
Great Bow Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 38
Red Round Table Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 67
Blue Round Table Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 67
Green Round Table Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 67
Yellow Round Table Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 67
White Round Table Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 67
Noble's Bed Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 78
Dresser Mini-Woodworking.png Woodworking 85