Chateau d'Oraguille

From FFXI Wiki
Connected Zone Chateau d'Oraguille Arrives at
Northern San d'Oria H-9 Chateau d'Oraguille.jpg I-6 Northern San d'Oria.jpg
Bostaunieux Oubliette I-8 Chateau d'Oraguille.jpg H-6 Bostaunieux Oubliette-map1.jpg
Chateau d'Oraguille.jpgChateau d'Oraguille.jpg
Map 1
San d'Oria Composite Map.jpgSan d'Oria Composite Map.jpg
Chateau d'Oraguille
Chateau dOraguille-view.jpg
Japanese ドラギーユ城
Map Acquisition Purchase
Timeline Present
Continent Quon
Region Kingdom of San d'Oria
Zone Type City
Activities None
Weather None


Name Map Pos. Notes
Aladoverre 1 (I-9)
Aramaviont 1 (H-9)
Arsha 1 (H-9)
Atoranne 1 (I-8)
Celebratory Chest 1 (H-9) Wedding Item Vendor
Chaloutte 1 (I-9)
Chalvatot 1 (F-7)
Chaphoire 1 (H-9)
Chupaile 1 (I-9)
Cotelle 1 (H-8)
Curilla 1 (I-9)
Doumina 1 (H-8)
Name Map Pos. Notes
Faurie 1 (I-9)
Ferdechoind 1 (I-9)
Halver 1 (I-9) Quest NPC
Matrimonial Coffer 1 (H-9) Wedding Item Vendor
Michilca 1 (G-8)
Milchupain 1 (H-9)
Mistaravant 1 (I-7)
Nachou 1 (H-8)
Perfaumand 1 (H-7)
Rahal 1 (H-9)
Remberd 1 (H-9) Wedding NPC


Mission Name Mission Number NPC Storyline
Aht Urhgan Mission 5 Treasures of Aht Urhgan
Aht Urhgan Mission 6 Treasures of Aht Urhgan


Historical Significance

The home to the Royal d'Oraguille family, the Chateau is complete with living quarters, an audience chamber, a garden and separate quarters for the Temple Knights and Royal Knights, who are commissioned to protect the royal family at all costs. Entry to the Chateau is strictly limited. Beneath the Chateau is the currently unused Bostaunieux Oubliette prison.