Stalwart white mage's soul

From FFXI Wiki

Stalwart white mage's soul

Key Item.png Stalwart white mage's soul
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Type Description
Active Effects A mystical soul containing the essence of a stalwart white mage. Enables the bearer to reforge white mage empyrean armor to +3.
Obtained from...
Name Zone Notes
Bitzer devices Sortie Obtained automatically after using any Bitzer device within Sortie as a White Mage.
Used for...
Type of Event Name
Reforged Empyrean Armor +3 Signifies that a player can upgrade the White Mage Empyrean Armor to Reforged Empyrean Armor +3.


  • Note that no key item exists for the +2 tier, and the only way to see if you can upgrade an empyrean set of armor to Reforged Empyrean Armor +2 is by interacting with Ruspix.
  • If a player has previously unlocked the +3 tier of a job, that job's soul key item is automatically received when examining the Diaphanous Transposer in Kamihr Drifts (F-6).