Subtle Blow

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Subtle Blow II)
Job Trait Information
Description Reduces amount of TP gained by enemies when striking them.
Type Level
Tier Level Obtained Value
I MNK 5, NIN 15, DNC 25 5
II MNK 25, NIN 30, DNC 45 10
III MNK 40, NIN 45, DNC 65 15
IV MNK 65, NIN 60, DNC 86 20
V MNK 91, NIN 75, DNC 99 (80JP Gift) 25
VI MNK 99 (125JP Gift), NIN 91, DNC 99 (405JP Gift) 27
VII MNK 99 (450JP Gift), DNC 99 (980JP Gift) 29
VIII MNK 99 (1050JP Gift), DNC 99 (1805JP Gift) 32
IX MNK 99 (1900JP Gift) 35
Merit Points
Group 1 Ranks Available 5
Effect of each Rank Increases Subtle Blow by 1% per merit level. (Ninja)


  • Subtle Blow also reduces the TP given to enemies from damaging spells.
  • The maximum amount of combined Subtle Blow and Subtle Blow II that will be calculated is 75%; while it is possible to achieve over 75% by mixing Subtle Blow and Subtle Blow II, it will have no benefit.
    • Subtle Blow and Subtle Blow II individually cap at 50% each. Adding points to a specific term over 50% will have no benefit, even if you have not reached the 75% total cap.
    • The Agility modification of TP is applied in a different, multiplicative term
  • Subtle Blow's effect on TP gain by the enemy is calculated as such, rounded down:


Enhanced by Food

Item Value
Kohlrouladen icon.png KohlrouladenKohlrouladen description.png 5
Kohlrouladen +1 icon.png Kohlrouladen +1Kohlrouladen +1 description.png 6
Fried Popoto icon.png Fried PopotoFried Popoto description.png 8
Fried Popoto +1 icon.png Fried Popoto +1Fried Popoto +1 description.png 9
Pukatrice Egg icon.png Pukatrice EggPukatrice Egg description.png 8
Pukatrice Egg +1 icon.png Pukatrice Egg +1Pukatrice Egg +1 description.png 9
D.-fried Shrimp icon.png D.-fried ShrimpD.-fried Shrimp description.png 8
D.-fr. Shrimp +1 icon.png D.-fr. Shrimp +1D.-fr. Shrimp +1 description.png 9

Subtle Blow II

  • Sources of "Subtle Blow II" include:

Subtle Blow II Equipment

Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Mpaca's Hose icon.png Mpaca's Hose 99 Legs "Subtle Blow II"+5
Gleti's Knife icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Gleti's Knife 99 Main "Subtle Blow II"+1~10
Dagon Breast. icon.png Dagon Breastplate 99 Body "Subtle Blow II"+10
Sherida Earring icon.png Sherida Earring 99 Ear "Subtle Blow II"+5
Niqmaddu Ring icon.png Niqmaddu Ring 99 Ring "Subtle Blow II"+5
Moonbow Belt icon.png Moonbow Belt 99 Waist "Subtle Blow II"+10
Moonbow Belt +1 icon.png Moonbow Belt +1 99 Waist "Subtle Blow II"+15
