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Talk:Subtle Blow
Subtle Blow Testing Method, post dAGI
In order to test Subtle Blow after the dAGI patch, I need to either use one specific monster and one specific agility, or I need to cap dAGI and it won't matter what I use. I'm initially trying to do both.
- Rounsey Wand, 99 DNC/BST. 5.8 TP/hit for me predicts the monster will get 8.8 TP/hit.
- 10 Hits gives it 36 TP with +0 Subtle Blow (90 AGI)
- 10 Hits gives it 22 TP with +41 Subtle Blow (90 AGI) - Either 44 or 45 TP/hit before Subtle Blow.
I am seeing 1/4 of the TP we would predict, so it looks like I have capped Subtle Blow and capped or near-capped dAGI. Anyway:
- 36 TP/44 TP = .81, so about the 20% we would expect with 20 Subtle Blow I'm willing to chalk the discrepancy up to dAGI not being totally capped. 36/45 = .8. It rounds down in my final subtle blow case. Good enough.
Next I change my level to 86 and try again.
- 10 Hits gives it 36 TP with +0 Subtle Blow (90 AGI)
Okay, so level 86 still has Subtle Blow III. That means the trait likely comes at level 86, because we didn't have it at 85.
- 10 hits at level 85 gives it 38 TP with +0 Subtle Blow (90 AGI)
- 38/45 = .8444, so Subtle Blow II. Found the trait boundary!
Repeating this until all the trait tiers are figured out. The obvious questions:
- Why a leech in Jugner? - Norvallen is near the top of the OP list and this leech is an unambiguous enemy.
- What do you do if the leech hits you for damage? - Leeches hit for 6.4 TP/swing. I let it hit me 10 times and charmed it.
That's all for now, but there will be mooooore! --Byrthnoth 15:16, 23 November 2011 (EST)
Subtle Blow Testing (DNC)
- DNC99 : 20 Subtle Blow
- DNC86 : 20 Subtle Blow
- DNC85 : 15 Subtle Blow
- DNC65 : 15 Subtle Blow
- DNC64 : 10 Subtle Blow
- DNC45 : 10 Subtle Blow
- DNC44 : 5 Subtle Blow
- DNC gets Subtle Blow at level 25.
DNC Trait progression finalized.
Subtle Blow Testing (MNK)
- MNK99 : 25 Subtle Blow (90 AGI, same leech, 0SB in gear yields 33 TP for the monster. floor(45*.75)=33
- MNK91 : 25 Subtle Blow
- MNK90 : 20 Subtle Blow
So Monk gets Subtle Blow V at level 91.
Subtle Blow Testing (NIN)
- NIN99 : ?? Subtle Blow (90 AGI, same leech, 0 SB in gear yields 32 TP for the monster... That puts it at 27 or 28 Subtle Blow.
- 1 shot with Mamoolbane under the same conditions gave the monster 4 TP. (7.7+3)*.52 -> 5.5, 5.5*.73 = 4.0, 5.5*.72 = 3.9;
- It gave 4 TP/hit instead of 3.9, so Subtle Blow VI is only 27 Subtle Blow.
Unfortunately consistent with the other final tier traits, not that it particularly matters for Ninja because it is so easy for them to cap.
- NIN91 : 27 Subtle Blow
- NIN90 : 25 Subtle Blow --Byrthnoth 16:50, 23 November 2011 (EST)
- NIN75 : 25 Subtle Blow
- NIN74 : 20 Subtle Blow
- NIN59 : 15 Subtle Blow
Argh, the rest of the progressions seem right, but I'm too lazy to test them at the moment. --Byrthnoth 11:10, 24 November 2011 (EST)