- Lottery spawn from the Virulent Peiste at (E-11).
- On widescan it is the first of Virulent Peiste of the entire group on widescan. PH ID: 17145862.
- Unknown respawn window, but standard WotG lottery NMs tend to be 60-90 minutes.
- Exclusively uses the same two TP moves: Grim Glower and Torpefying Charge.
- Has no regain. Sugaar will just use the following next TP move in order when it gets TP again, and repeat.
- Grim Glower: Gaze petrify for 15 seconds. Glower stays active for ~30~45 seconds.
- Torpefying Charge: Gaze paralysis for 2 minutes.
- Possesses an Ensilence effect for 15-30 seconds.
- Susceptible to Poison, Paralyze, Slow, and Stun.
- Immune to Bind, Blind, Break, Gravity, Silence, and Sleep.