Support Job

From FFXI Wiki
The player's sub job is listed in blue

A sub job (sometimes referred to as a "support job") is a secondary job associated with your character in addition to your main job. Any combination of main job and sub job is possible.

Sub jobs do not receive experience points or skill ups and their level is limited to half that of the main job (rounded down); at the level 99 cap, sub jobs are restricted to level 49.

You will receive half of the job's stat contribution when used as a subjob.

In most cases, you will receive all spells, traits, and abilities available to your sub job at its level.

Some job abilities and spells (such as job-specific SP Abilities) will be subject to restrictions or will be unusable by a sub job.

With the introduction of Master Levels, subjobs can now be raised to as high as level 59. According to the developers, this will be as high as we will be allowed to raise our subjobs barring changes in the future.

How to Obtain

In order to gain the ability to select a sub job, a character must be Level 18+ in at least one job, then complete one of the following quests:

Base MP

When using a main job that doesn't have MP natively with a sub job that has MP natively, a base MP is added.

The base MP is determined by level and race / species.

Trust Alter Egos have a 33% higher base MP than players for their race.

Base MP by race (Level 75+)
Race MP (Player) MP (Alter Ego)
Tarutaru and Others 116 152
Hume 59 77
Mithra 59 77
Elvaan 40 52
Galka 11 N/A

Monster Species

Monsters have no level sync on their support job and the main job level will match the support job level.

The exception is that there is a hard cap of level 127 for support jobs. Monsters at levels 128-150 will have their sub job set at level 127.

Notorious Monsters and NPCs can have customized spell and ability lists.

  • A WAR/WAR dragon can use Manafont then cast spells regardless of main or sub job.
  • A level limit still seems to apply: for example a SAM/WHM Iroha requires level 75 to cast Flare II.

Master Levels

Sub Jobs increase when a player ranks up their Master Level. The table below outlines sub job progression. Job Traits and Job Abilities that are usable can be viewed on individual job pages.

Master Level Subjob Level
0 49
5 50
10 51
15 52
20 53
25 54
30 55
35 56
40 57
45 58
50 59