Tales' Beginning

From FFXI Wiki
The book Tale's Beginning and the in-game 'target' marker.

Note: This page was previously non-existent. This first appearance will seem extra rough an require a more skilled editor to assist in making it "look better".

The function of "Tales' Beginning" is to permit players the ability to set aside the activation of a mission for a later time as some cut scenes can be rather long or just occur at the worst times for players seemingly-unexpectedly during normal game play.

(Missions are sometimes referred to as a quest by others however missions are not the same thing because they are the main/expansion story line. They appear in-game if you flip the main menu under their own category "Missions")

When a player chooses to set aside these cut scenes a book by the name of "Tales' Beginning" is subsequently created by the game itself and placed somewhere nearby in the same area/zone. If a player wishes to locate this book and possesses a map of the given area in question they can locate it there if they view the map from the main menu and then flip said map-menus colored-dots to the green category.

Alternatively the player can also view the coordinates for the book under the main menu > missions > and then selecting the story line and it's only option; to which they're seeking coordinates for.

Using the book will yield options to resume the story line that was set aside.

  • The book floats above the ground and has a more shiny appearance than the Survival Guide for those familiar.
    • Upon choosing to resume your story and viewing the cut-scene this book will remove itself from the area.
    • The Tales' Beginning book can only be seen visually in-game or on the map by the player(s) who set their story on hold.