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veng+15 observations:

                      as with other atonement T2 NMs, gains a 'down' aura at <50%: have seen def down
                      weak to slashing
                      Orthopterror: Conal high damage, knockback, and Terror
                      sanguinary slash: aoe damage and max hp down(10~%)
                      nature's meditation: temporary damage immunity
                      tegmina buffet: aoe damage and choke
                      sensilla blades: conal damage
                      recommend bringing geo for barrier to deal with the large amount of aoe damage

Veng+15 observations: Resistant to piercing.



BLU, RUN, WHM, BRD with Monberaux and Koru-Moru. BLU is near BiS, maintained AM3 while spamming Expiacion. BRD used Honor March, and 2 Minuets. Killed the NM before a diffused Mighty Guard wore. --Dagna (talk) 13:54, 3 March 2021 (EST)


COR: Monk + Samurai rolls (Chaos might have been better instead of Samurai?)

BRD: SV March, Honor March, Minuet, Scherzo, Dirge (on DD), Sirvente (on Tank)

WHM: Baraera, Barsilencera, Boost-AGI, Auspice

Might be the hardest A2.

Weak to slashing.

Have about 1.5mil HP.

NM gain a random offence/deffence down aura after it use SP, aura last for the rest of the fight.

Seems to use TP move twice in a row. Tegmina Buffet back to back can wreck the DDs. NIN is good because Utsusemi can absorb TP moves.

Plan: going with Subtle Blow (Monk roll + Auspice + Boost-AGI) to reduce TP moves spam from NM. Tactician Roll in lobby area, TP carry over to battle area. WHM keep HP maxed, Erase Choke from Tegmina buffet, Max HP Down from Sanguinary Slash.


WHM: Shell, Barstonra, Barparalyzra, Boost-Vit, Auspice, Dia2

BRD: HM, Victory March, Madrigal, Minuet x2, Sirvente/Dirge(As Needed), Elegy, Requiem

GEO: Indi-Barrier, Entrust Vit, Geo-Fury

The AoE Physical damage output of this NM is not to be trifled with. A tank is recommended to keep Sensilla Blades and Orthopterror from killing DDs. They should ensure that they have their backs to a wall to prevent knockback. The first 50% will be easily manageable. Once it begins using two TP moves after 50%, your healing will be stressed unless you have extremely high defense. GEO Bolstering Barrier, BRD using Minnes, and PLD's enhanced Protect V will all help reduce party damage taken by Tegmina Buffet. AoE healing is highly recommended if you intend on having more than 2 players engaged.



Stacked up on Defense to neutralize Tegima Buffet. SV/CC HM Minne x2 Minuet x2

Fury and Barrier Stacked up on Defense to neutralize Tegima Buffet. COR Sam & Chaos

DRG Super Jumped right before 75% so Hate was on Brd for add, and Rdm Bind/Grav/Sleep away from main NM.

Wota (talk) 15:16, 13 January 2022 (EST)



COR: Crooked Chaos Roll / Samurai Roll. Light Shot Dia 3, Ice Shot Paralyze 2. Engage with a DT engaged single wield set. Savage Blade. Random Deal for the PLD and BLU, hold Wild Card for after 40% to fish for Bolster reset.

GEO: Geo-Fury / Indi-Barrier / Entrust Indi-STR. Save Bolster for after 40% to push through the double add Regen. Protect your bubble as much as possible from the AoEs. Don't place your Geo- bubble on the Paladin, as it will be susceptible to conals.

BRD: Soul Voice / Clarion Call Honor March, Minuetx2, Dirge, Minne. Give Paladin Sirvente/Ballad 3. Recommended to Soul Voice / Clarion Call and sing songs without Nightingale and Troubadour, then recast songs with Nightingale and Troubadour just before Soul Voice duration is over so as to extend Soul Voice songs to the entirety of the run. Engage with a DT engaged single wield set. Savage Blade.

BLU: Dual Wield. Use Expiacion and sprinkle in Chant du Cygne to reduce cumulative damage resistance. Barrier Tusk yourself to help with survivability. Save Mighty Guard for after 40% to assist with increased TP move frequency from the NM. Diffusion Nature's Meditation.

PLD: Tank Aristaeus in a corner that provides your group with two walls to prevent knockback: one for yourself for conals and one for the rest of the group for AoEs. You are the main healer here, don't be afraid to spam Majesty Cure IV as back-to-back TP moves from the NM can drop people quickly. Duban is great here, you should take nearly zero damage. Panacea off debuffs as much as possible.

RDM: Apply Protect V / Haste 2 / Phalanx 2 to everyone. Refresh the BLU and PLD. Dia 3 is fine on this NM, even though it can be physically threatening. Fully debuff the NM. Crowd control the adds at 75% and 40%. Whoever has enmity on them should run far out of range (~20 yalms). Bind first, then Frazzle 3 / Gravity 2. Wait a minute or so to begin Sleep Immunobreaks to stagger out your root spells.

Melee Rush


Assumes Nyame R20 and Master 30+, most engaged sets with max DT where possible. Does not assume Sakpata/Mpaca ranking.

WAR: Naegling, Savage Blade spam. Tomahawk when available. Freely use buffs. Use SPs at under 50%. Around 40% of the damage.

SAM: Doji R15 (Masa will do fine too), Tachi: Fudo spam except when applying Ageha. Freely use buffs. Use SPs at under 50%. Around 30% of the damage.

GEO: Idris. Geo-Fury and Indi-Barrier. Entrust WAR with STR. Bolster/Geo-Fury/Dematerialize at under 50%. Didn't engage.

BRD: REAA (no Mythic here). SVCC at start. Minuetx2, Honor March, Minnex2. Balladx2 for WHM. Carnage Elegy. Aeonic Dagger Rudra's Storm in a BRD DD set (you aren't going to parse amazing, 5% or so, you can choose to just not engage if you'd prefer).

COR: Regal Necklace rolls. Naegling, Savage Blade spam. Chaos/Samurai Roll. Use Random Deal to restore random JAs for DDs. Wild Card if needed, after WAR/SAM/GEO SPs. Around 20% of the damage with a great COR DD set. Be careful not to WS after the WAR, try to do after the SAM or BRD or if not possible switch to a different WS as needed.

WHM: Initial secondary buffs Auspice, Aquaveil, Barfira/Bar-Amnesra (for Naegling boosts), Boost-STR. Dia II. Haste everyone. Big point: Need 102+ Spell Interruption Rate Down. Suggest AF+3 feet (29), Chironic Gloves with augment (31), and piece together the rest from accessories or Vanya/Kaykaus. Don't forget to keep DT up, sacrifice Cure Potency as needed. Empy legs can stay for MP return. Remember Empy body does not proc on Curagas.

Everyone engages in a corner and stays close for Indi-Barrier and Curaga. Spam Curaga, you must keep everyone alive. Literally ignore the adds.

Pro-tip: If you aren't confident, run a single KI with DRG (SB), DRK (Torcleaver), RDM, PLD, DNC, and the last slot maybe SMN or SCH. With that much healing to cover you, you should be able to drop it to at least 80% if not lower. If you drop to 75%, note that it may SP on start of KI 2. Perfect Dodge / Invincible / Elemental Sforzo, of which the first two will waste any buffs you may apply to yourself, so be careful.

Kriz (talk) 11:59, 24 February 2023 (EST)