Talk:Aspir II

From FFXI Wiki


Using this page and this page and assuming linearity (which is reasonable with SE), it appears that the formula for Aspir II potency (at least >300 skill) is likely Dark Magic Skill×0.6.

I went and tested this with 434 Dark Magic Skill / Anrin Obi. Maximum predicted Aspir II with the proposed model would be 434*0.6*1.1 = 286 MP.

I observed a range from 110 to 283 MP drained in 42 casts, with 241~283 making up 95% of the distribution. It is possible that the model is very slightly off (likely a rounding issue having to do with weather), but it's close enough for now.--Byrthnoth 17:09, 20 November 2012 (EST)