
From FFXI Wiki

During hundred fist, NM always scores cit hits

Best advice, summon 3 healers, equip high -DT/-PDT and WS when you have the TP. Adds will respawn very shortly after being defeated, they do as much damage as main but don't 2hr, and cannot be slept and yes, they can use TP moves. --5 December 2018 User:‎Victimofffxibg

Solo'd on 99DNC ilevel 119+ with trusts (AAEV, Joachim, Ulmia, Yoran-Oran, and King of Hearts). Ignore adds and focus on boss. Whittle NM down a little bit to build TP and max out steps then self SC Darkness (with Building + Climactic Flourish Rudra) can do enough damage to kill the NM from at around 85% HP. SAM or heavy DD who can self-SC can probably zerg it down solo as well. /NIN is not quite useful since it opens up with Maelstrom. NM has around ~100k HP total. User:Chuburger

Easy solo as 119 BLU/RUN, summon a RDM trust, then all the healers you have. Completely ignore the adds and focus solely on the NM. Buff before popping and once Occultation/Diamondhide/Barrier Tusk/etc are exhausted dont' worry about reapplying, that would only make this fight take longer. Spam Chant du Cygne non stop for Light Skillchains, even if you have Tizona still spam CDC for light, reason for this is that Light SC's can proc him, making him lose his Aura and 2hr abilities, making this fight simple. --03:55, 17 June 2021‎ Kronikx

Solod 119 PLD/BLU (with dija sword) Shantotto2, Selh'teus, Ayame, Koru-Moru, Kupipi. Make sure kupipi is out of aoe range, and sleh is in melee range. Spam savage blade, lights should be going off, even without proc should clear eventually. Ignore adds, keep cocoon and other buffs up, flash as needed. Do not need 2hr. Gear Sulevia+1, shadow mantle, flume belt, weathering shield+1 --04:16, 31 July 2022 User:Schera