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Talk:Better Dynamis-ing
Dynamis [D] Guide
Thank you for making the guide I've been too lazy to put together. I had a few recommendations for your Dynamis Guide.
Wave 3 circles
I don't see anything about your tank getting out of range when killing Circles on wave 3. The Circle will AoE only if whoever has hate is within 15' of it. The Tank should be able to get hate on the circle and move back past the 15' super tanking the Disjoined as the DD take out the circle. Just talked with one of my LS's tanks Wfoadambbp, and he says he does Sheild Bash->Flash->Rampart on PLD and Flash->Foil on RUN to get hate before running out. If you have a new tank you can put down a Geo-Fade on the circle to reduce AoE in case the tank loses hate for some reason Otherwise I usually just toss down a DD bubble like Frailty. Also, your guide doesn't say but you want to pull one mob pack at a time if you can. Mobs seem to walk to their left when they are first aggroed so to prevent double pulls we usually target the mob pack on our right first so they hug the wall on the way to u
- The Out-ranging Method is out dated and can cause issues with the positioning needed. You're already in a high buff situation, its more efficient to counter the AoE DMG than play the distance game and risk some one being out of range of cures.Mikumaru (talk) 09:25, 8 December 2021 (EST)
Mega Boss
I'm pretty sure it can summon Odin starting 20 min into the fight. Would the difference in total HP be due to healing? How quick are the WHMs being taken down and are they using benediction? I don't see you mentioning the 30 min timer on the mega boss. After 30 min the boss starts doing a lot of AoE dmg. Only happened to our group once. The only one that was able to stay up was a RDM/NIN DD we had in the group at the time. Because of that timer, you don't want the tank to engage with more than 30 min on the clock if the alliance still needs to buff up.
- Odin is not timed. HP based, perhaps, but not time dependent. In a previous group, we were fully clearing all 8 halos, defeating the Mega-boss and all 4 waves of adds with 12-20 minutes to spare and still saw Odin, sometimes 2 times. Mikumaru (talk) 09:25, 8 December 2021 (EST)
Alt circle clearing method
I know your guide is for well-geared players. When we were first starting out no one had an R15 unlocked so it was hard getting the DPS to clear enough circles before fighting the wave 3 boss. If you have a Twilight Helm and Twilight Mail you can zombie away most/all the mobs and just have the DD kill the circle without killing the rest of the mobs. If you do this strategy make sure to kill any bubbles. Lupon hate is weird. They seem to remember agro even after you die so the mob pack will keep coming after you even after you die and let the mobs reset completely if you left an enemy lupon up.
- Bless your heart. Our group is a mix of veteran and returned players. A handful of 'BiS' players isnt enough to carry a group like other content. We averaged getting the Disjoined NMs to around 40% HP remaining. Our best was a Bastok run where had the Galka to 5% remaining. Keep in mind Wave 3 is Lv150 content. you'll want some Relic/AF +2/3 , +2 Ambu Gear, and some Lilith/Odyssey wouldnt hurt.Mikumaru (talk) 09:25, 8 December 2021 (EST)
- This was just the strat very early in the LS when we were struggling to clear circles. Currently, we can clear all the NMs in Wave 2 and all of wave 3 including boss. We have been trying for a Wave 1,2,3. Clearing all the wave 1 and 2 NMs as well as all of Wave 3 for astrals but we are still coming up short on time.Gimlic (talk) 23:09, 17 December 2021 (EST)
Halphus strat?
We had a tag-along to a Dynamis Sandy that said their usual group has a PLD and SCH duo Halphus while the rest clear the NMs in wave 2. PLD tanks and SCH just used Helix and heals. I've never tried so I don't know how good that works.
We do use your height strat on this wave 2 boss still. Specifically, the palisade by the East Ronfare exit and the melee DD and tanks between the merchant stands below. Melee should have a merchant stand at their back. If they get blasted too close to the palisade or too far they get out of healing range from above. You can help prevent Halphus from using his Hate Reset by dispelling his Defense boost so he keeps putting it up. Would recommend Geos spam Dispel for that reason. Because of that hate reset this is also the only zone you need 2 tanks for. Otherwise you can get by with just one tank.
We usually use Frailty/Torpor and Malaise/Langor on the geos on wave 1 and 2. We will swap a spell for Wilt on Wave 2 bosses, usually Langor.
- Halphas is a dick. Fuck that guy, seriously. He best handled with as few Melee as possible. Like you already said, some Nooks/Helix goes a long way. There is no easy way to defeat him. Get better equipment, use better coordination, try not to die.Mikumaru (talk) 09:25, 8 December 2021 (EST)
Gimlic (talk) 15:01, 19 November 2021 (EST)
I'll add your input to guide and of course credit you once i get off my ass and make the Trap Map/Guides and the Jeuno Pathing Map. Your input is appreciated and welcomed. I hope my specific response dont come off as rude or condescending, this is not my intention. We have seens an influx of returned players and a few new players. BG has great info but sometime you have to dig for it and for some reason there isnt a whole lot of info for Dyna D so we felt it best to compile and make a guide. It makes us happy to see it being used and referenced. Effort not wasted. Cheers, がんばってね。 Mikumaru (talk) 09:25, 8 December 2021 (EST)
- I don't take any offense and I hope you don't take any either. I just want the same thing as you. An accurate guide. To me, you seem to be coming at it as a fully geared LS and I just think a guide could use a ramp-up is all. I'd think this guide will mostly be used by a newer LS who doesn't have the best gear just yet and needs to cheese through some of it. Always looking forward to any updates you make.Gimlic (talk) 23:09, 17 December 2021 (EST)
Volt Strategies
Nin volt: If you are RUN you want to keep Battuda up or anything else to stop WS from landing. Why the Mijin Gakure does so much damage is because he is Magic Bursting it.
War Volt: Stand the tank opposite the rest of the party. Keep at 3' away from the mob while killing. You will still be in range to attack the mob but out of the AoE. The War Volt AoE is around the tank and can be avoided if you can keep a far enough distance from the tank. --08:45, 25 January 2023 Gimlic