Talk:Consume Mana

From FFXI Wiki

Just a quick and dirty test:

Cruadin, 83 base damage, 100 after fstr (why I keep this thing :V), Consume Mana + Sneak Attack on level 0s.

535 high crit, assuming this is the high end: 509-535 1.05 range, average ~5.22 x DMG after bonuses

0mp - 523 ~0dmg

15mp - 528 ~1dmg

45mp - 545 ~4dmg

125mp - 584 ~12dmg

210mp - 645 ~23dmg

350mp - 712 ~36dmg

870mp - 958 ~84dmg

1187mp - 1150 ~120dmg

Still need to pin down if the bonus applies to all hits of a WS or just the first.