Talk:Demolition Squad II

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Solo'd on PUP/DNC with DD pet on Difficult. Used trusts : AATT, Arciela, AAEV, Koru-Moru, Yoran.

Start the fight by targetting the RNG Gigas, so AA TT can land Elemental Seal + Sleepga II on all of them, else he won't do it if you target the BST one first and will use poison II instead!

Once sleepga II'd switch to the BST one (since it's immune to it), make sure tank have hate (or pet if you have one) to avoid charm, then zerg it.

Switch to RNG then MNK > WAR. They die rather easily after a few skillchains.( maybe 50k hp?)

Beware that you can get hate easily and they hurt quite abit if you're on a squishy job.

I took Arciela with me in case their Slam AoE dealt load of damage (it doesn't) but you can replace her with anything really.

AATT can also stun their moves which can be handy, but may also use an AoE weaponskill (Amon Drive) that can wake them up, if you're scared you can move the target from others that are asleep.

That's about it, enjoy your chapters!!

VD Solo (BLU)

Not precisely cutting edge in 2023, but managed to solo on VD as BLU using AAEV, AATT, Koru-Moru, Sylvie (UC), Ygnas.

DT Hybrid Set, standard buffs, etc. I was /RUN because I had just come from using it on Kindred Spirits 2, so definitely some wiggle room here.

Start on the BST, AATT might be bothered to sleep things, it may not be necessary. Flip to a different mob once AAEV has established some hate on the BST, you'll be saving him for last. I suggest the ranger first... when you get to the others, sudden lunge/stun on mighty strikes and hundred fists, change targets on hundred fists if needed so you don't get countered to death, etc. Refresh Barrier tusk and Occultation. Once its just you and the BST, no WS, let AAEV tank while you chip him down. Once he tries to charm AAEV, go to town and burn him down, feel free to use a couple of stuns.

Typical BLU stuff really, I'm nobody special and my gear is "good" but not great (Think Naegling, Malignance, etc).

Ulgar (talk) 23:50, 13 June 2023 (UTC)Ulgar

trusts used: Joachim, Ulmia, Koru-Moru, Mayakov, Monberaux.

5 minute fight, I did /BLM for warp after. Occultation, Erratic Flutter, O. Counterstance, Nat. Meditation. Run up, Tenebral Crush & Entomb everything. Start on BST, build 3k TP then Absolute Terror him. WS spam from here til it dies. lastst ws the monk when fighting the ranger so it can't counter you. Nyame r25, tizona r15. If you can't kill the BST in 3~4 WS, I suggest leaving the BST for last instead, so if it outlasts the terror you can still continue after charm wears off.

--Chimerawizard (talk) 02:02, 16 February 2025 (UTC)


(6~7 min including calling trusts)


Ark EV、Ark TT、Ulmia、King of Hearts、Monberaux(or Yoran Oran)


Use Karambit. I have a mid-tier Master TP set, ~25% -DT. (Pet haste 10% cape, NQ Heyoka Subligar, Thurandaut Ring to get as much pet haste as I could). And a very low-tier WS set (Master DA10% cape. I only have one WS set shared with Asuran、Shijin、Victory Smite)

Kill order: RNG → WAR → MNK

Engage the RNG, deploy Automaton on the Boss (BST). Automaton should kill the BST boss when WAR's at ~70% HP or even faster.

Then Deploy Automaton on MNK. When MNK is at ~60%, you can deploy the automaton on WAR and skillchain with you or have it kill the MNK. But you may need to watch automaton's HP and Repair, because of Hundred Fists.

My automaton can self-skillchain 2-3 steps while trust and me skillchaining another Giga.


Normal DD setup -- Valor Head and Sharpshot Frame. Fire、Light、Wind Maneuvers.


Magniplug → Armor Plate 4

Coiler 2 → Auto-Repair 4

(Optional: Truesights → Heat Capacitor 2)