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Talk:Jobs & party roles
A fair amount of information in this guide is speculative. Many of the claims in this guide seem speculative and lack explanation for why the editor feels that way. Add specific information for the assessments. Currently this guide largely serves as a modern Bradygames Guide. Note that this is not a good thing. -- Wyrd (20210203)
This was written as a very brief and surface-level coverage of the jobs to give new players an idea of what roles there are, and what jobs can fulfill those roles. There admittedly isn't much explanations included, but that's because new players won't understand that sort of context and it will just complicate things for them. I personally think the claims in the guide are fairly accurate, but feel free to point out disagreements here so I can elaborate on my reasoning, or change the guide if I wind up agreeing with you. --Cassiani (talk) 12:27, 8 February 2021 (EST)
So for a surface-level guide I would imagine some further structure would be required. I would create a section at the top called Roles. Here you should detail differences in what it means to be a tank, support and damage dealer. Then explain the different types of these things. You kind of did this but are painting in such broad strokes I would argue that it doesn't actually explain how these things work. Then for each job establish a structural format, perhaps a table or formatted entry which would help guide how you are rating said jobs. This could vary between the different roles, but would allow somoene to compare each of the jobs in a more visual way.
It seems you want this to be usable for people who do not want to read about the job to know how the job is expected to perform, however there are a number of differences based on content (low level solo xp vs end game entry vs end game high end). Things that are true in one of those areas do not necessarily hold true for the others.
Soloing comments are not very helpful. There is no mathematical value to apply to compare good to very good to extraordinarily good. Perhaps instead describe how self sufficient each job is, or if there are buffs/debuffs needed to help them excel. Again this is different based on the targeted content.
Over all I think I see where you are going but it is a post of such broad statements without facts or evidence being cited that it runs the risk of not actually helping someone select a job or role to play. --Wyrd (talk) 12:09, 8 February 2021 (PST)