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Ok, while dicking around with RUN JPs, (I'm 80% sure I know where they fit), I noticed a "large" discrepancy in all my calculated v observed values... It varied slightly depending on if I used sword or GS, but it was always 3~4% lower than observed damage (which should be lower as I didn't account for MDB, eg: actual should have been lower than observed.)
With or without any MAB it comes out to be something like this for the formula: Main-hand weapon Skill × (0.53 + (Number of Runes × 0.25) ) × Magic Multiplier Terms
Possibly 0.535 or some bitwise fraction (give Aettir's effect text, I'd lean toward that).
As for Job Points, they seem to work ala:
Main-hand weapon Skill × (0.5 + (Number of Runes × 0.25) + (n ÷ 100) ) × Magic Multiplier Terms
where n=# of Job Points spent
And given their help text, and how accurate the formula is before JPs, I think the job points themselves are the bitwise shift (like haste). So the hanging 0.03 in the multiplier term would just be an adjustment for w/e value they've given them. (I'm assuming they work like the elemental belts/gorgets and the above n would actually be n*3/256. 3/256 is about 1% but is a tad too large when multiplied out. so it could be out of 1024... 11/1024 would be what lines up with my 3~4%. But since Aettir's +10 is so perfectly +.1, until we know the actual value the "1%", I think the above works enough to have n cover lunge bonus AND Job Points.)
Just would like someone to confirm 11/1024 before adjusting the formula for it.
Cause if that's confirmed then this is the formula:
- Damage = Main-hand weapon Skill × (0.5 + (Number of Runes × 0.25) + (L ÷ 100) + (n × 11/1024) ) × Magic Multiplier Terms
- L = total Lunge effect bonus from gear.
- n = number of Job Points spent in the Lunge effect category
There's a flooring somewhere. Probably before magic terms are factored in. -- FaeQueenCory (talk) 19:06, 7 April 2016 (UTC)