Talk:Lyft Pole

From FFXI Wiki



  • WSD, TP Bonus, or MAB : Starburst did 254 damage with 1000 TP regardless which staff I used (WHM/SAM).
  • Base damage : Same damage (315-330) whether I was in a 6-man party or not.
  • Haste : Reraise had the same recast (1 minute)
  • MPwH : 30 MPwH first tick with or without party
  • Cure Potency : 76 HP healed with Cure using Onion Staff or Lyft Pole
  • Store TP : 117 TP with or without party
  • Wyvern Max HP : didn't change
  • No skill boost or stat boost : my menu numbers didn't change

Because there's no visible boost and we can be pretty sure that one exists, I'm betting it's something like HPwH (I lacked HP gear on non-mage jobs on this mule) or Critical Hit Rate that they were already putting on the PLD/MNK/WHM/DRG staves at 75. I shan't be the one to find out, though, as I dropped the staff. --Byrthnoth (talk) 08:04, 13 January 2017 (EST)