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Strategy / Testimonial
Kite strategy doesn't work on this boss because most of his TP moves (at least Uproot, Canopierce, and Firefly Fandango are self-casted). You'll still need to TP drain him to avoid these abilities or stack up to split the damage.
Vengeance 0
Has just around 450k HP. An easy solo with trusts as WAR for an LS mate. R30 Nyame/Sakpata's/Naegling/etc. gear. The point of the testimonial is to state clearly that, despite Timber being a potential one-shot, it is soloable for non-PUP jobs with enough gear. King of Hearts/Ulmia/Qultada/Selh'teus. Save Mighty Strikes and Warcry for sub-50% and hope it doesn't use Timber. We did get one-shot by it at 13% with 11mins left on the clock, was able to get back up and kill it immediately after Weakened wore off. Hya (talk) 22:32, 20 January 2025 (UTC)
Vengeance 15
V15 TP Drain / Subtle Blow Strat
Overview: subtle blow / tp drain to prevent mboze from using any abilities
BLU: Needs about 450+ m.acc from gear without buffs (we had 11 Warlock Roll with Regal Necklace and +90 m.acc food). Use Silent Storm (and keep refreshing it), Tourbillion after silence, spam Feather Tickle and Reaving Wind. Time your TP drain spells at regular intervals, coordinating with the BST's TP Drainkiss. Before the zerg at 30%, reapply Tourbillion. Important merits: 5/5 Magical Accuracy, 5/5 Diffusion, 5/5 Assimilation.
BST: Start with Bouncing Bertha and use Killer Instinct, swap immediately to Fatso Fargann and spam TP Drainkiss (coordinate with BLU). Keep reapplying Killer Instinct so it's always up. When Mboze is at 30% hp remaining, reapply Killer Instinct so it's fresh for the final burn, then switch back to leech. Use Unleash and spam TP Drainkiss. While reapplying Killer Instinct, your DRK should stop attacking until both BST and BLU are able to TP drain again. Important merits: 5/5 Call Beast Recast, 5/5 Sic Recast, 5/5 Killer Instinct, 5/5 Beast Affinity.
DRK: Will do the tanking and DDing. Use Caladbolg. Make sure TP set is relatively good DT, and capped Subtle Blow (when including Auspice). Do not use Endark (it cancels Auspice). Pull with Stun, and pull it down the stairs. Use Souleater while running it down (for enmity gain) and then cancel Souleater buff immediately (so you're not losing HP). Open with phat Torcleaver for enmity, then disengage to not feed TP. Wait until BST and BLU have both begun TP draining before re-engaging. Any time the BST stops TP draining, DRK should stop attacking until TP drain starts again. BLU alone is not enough for TP draining. After Last Resort wears off, ask COR for a Random Deal. When Mboze is at 30% HP, stop attacking until buffs have been reapplied.
COR: In lobby, use Tactician roll to give DRK 3000 TP. You can use crooked cards and snake eyes to try to get a good roll quickly, then change sub job at the moogle there in the lobby to reset JAs, then move away from group and use Tactician roll just for yourself (don't use other JAs). After entering, apply Warlock and Evoker to mages. Then apply Samurai and Chaos rolls to DRK only (probably after he pulls). Ensure that you Light Shot x2 each time Dia II is reapplied by the WHM. When Mboze is at 30% and the BST is using Unleash + TP Drainkiss spam, you can throw in slow ranged attacks to build up TP for Savage Blades in order to help kill a bit faster. Do only 1 or 2 ranged attacks between TP Drainkisses to avoid feeding too much TP and causing Mboze to use an ability. For resets, first Random Deal to reset Last Resort for DRK, use Wild Card just before Mboze is at 30%. Important merits: 5/5 Phantom Roll Recast, 5/5 Loaded Deck.
BRD: Start with Minuet V, Scherzo, Victory March, Honor March (ensure DRK keeps these for the pull). Pianissimo Ballad on WHM and BLU. After DRK has pulled, and Mboze is debuffed, and both BST and BLU are TP draining, apply better enhanced songs. Enhanced songs: Soul Voice, Clarion Call, Nightingale, Troubadour + Minuet III, Minuet IV, Minuet V, Scherzo, Honor March. Pianissimo Ballad on the WHM and BLU again. Apply Wind Threnody II to Mboze while NiTro is up. When Mboze is at 30% HP, reapply Wind Threnody II with NiTro (Wild Card should reset it by this point).
WHM: Keep Auspice on the DRK (make sure DRK does not have Endark on because this will prevent Auspice from applying). Use the empy+1 boots for Auspice. Boost-STR, Barstonra, Barparalyzra, Protect and Shell (obviously). Keep Haste on DRK. Keep up Dia II on Mboze. Keep everyone healed. Only the DRK should be taking damage for most of the fight. At 30%, Mboze might get some TP moves off so be ready to use Curagas.
--Silvermutt (Asura), Kitsune LS
Went in today with a Runefencer, War, Cor, Rdm, Whm, and Sam. Chaos / Gallants roll and started the fight. Massive aoe move cannopy 3k wiped out war and sam right away, I held it and got it down to 75%, it took fairly good damage. Had a bind move, and a Max MP down move. around that time, it used the blue mage move uproot, and x5 self destructing halo's continued to generate at my feet repeatadly, with a 100 damage a tic aura of some kind, the explosions didn't hurt my runefencer much but hit others for 200-600. When war/sam unweakened they SP's and zerged down another 30 or so percent, but the aura crushed us all eventually.
I suspect a soul voiced bard buff, runefencer and x2 SP war would rip this thing a new tree hole
- Edit: this idea worked, but we brought a ranger and a war as the dps. It used it's blue magic at 10 percent and one shot my runfencer for 4.5k but the war and bard were hit for very little damage, dps quickly cleaned up after, fight was under 2 mins total. Thinking the hate resetting blue magic may have some high physical damage based on how many buffs are up? But not sure really -- 02:04, 16 February 2021 User:Shuko
TP move elements. I updated several of the TP move elements. Element source. http://wiki.ffo.jp/html/29336.html While this is the general Yggreant page for JP wiki, there's very little reason to think any of these have changed except for Timber. Canopierce is still verifiably earth dmg, as Flabra+Vallation still reduces it. The damage of Uproot and Firefly Fandango can also be mitigated by Light Carols.
Timber is most likely some sort of non-elemental damage now as it has best tested with Liement and not absorbed. Not sure I'll be able to find that test again, but I know it covers earth, and possible a few other elements. And Timber was originally earth based.
There's a lot more to address about Timber damage mechanics but that will have to wait a bit longer.
--Martel (talk) 20:58, 5 May 2021 (EDT)
Went in the BLU(dont engage) DRK(tank sublte blow) WHM GEO BRD BST and did the Reaving Wind, Feather Tickle, Drainkiss method for win.
COR: Crooked Chaos + Samurai
GEO: Fury + Barrier, Entrust Vit
BRD: SV Honor March, Scherzo, Dirge, Minuet x2 (on DD)
March, Scherzo, Ballad x3 (on Mage),
March, Scherzo, Ballad x2, Sirvente (on PLD),
WHM: Barstonera, Barparalyzra, Boost-VIT, Auspice
Mboze is weak to slashing, resist blunt.
Have about 2.2 mil HP
Timberrrrrr can be used at anytime when it's below 50% HP. Timberrrr does %MAX HP, the more target in range the lower %MAX HP it deals. Enmity also seems to affect the damage, higher enmity = more damage. Pet jobs have advantage in this fight. Rampart and Perfect Defends seems to be the only way to reduce the damage. Need Rampart + 7 targets to survive Timberrrr.
Uproot deals AoE damage and reset hate on the target it use it on. Unlock aura.
Proc Red *!!* then Blue *!!* in certain time duration to remove aura.
Red *!!* Weakness: Skillchain
Blue *!!* Weakness: Continuing the skillchain
Uses Yaegasumi at ~75%
Update June 2021: June 2021 patch seems to change Yaegasumi to Invincible. March 2021 to before June 2021 Mboze uses Yaegasumi
PLD click off Protect before start fighting, Mboze can steal buff.
PLD on front of Mboze, everyone else on back of Mboze. Stand about 6-7 range ish, close enough to hit it but far enough not to get hit with Mboze AoE normal attack. Need everyone stand together to survive Canopierce, and Timberrrr.
COR DRK uses Subtle Blow/-DT sets.
4 steps SC to remove aura: Resolution + Burning Blade = Liquefaction + Cyclone = Fusion + Resolution = Light. Try to fit in Magic WS as they can't miss.
When Mboze HP is close to 50%, GEO uses Bolster, resummon Luopan, PLD Rampart, and COR DRK deals as much damage as possible.
COR coordinate Random Deal + Wild Card to reset PLD's Rampart and DRK's Soul Enslavement.
Ideally: Rampart, Random Deal, Rampart, Soul Enslavement, Wild Card, Rampart, (Soul Enslavement if back), Random Deal, Rampart.
BRD spam Finale if Troubadour back from Random Deal/Wild Card.
WHM keep everyone's HP maxed out, people swapping gear with more HP can mean death on Timberrrr. GEO's Regen might be alternative here.
Paralyze from Firefly Fandango can kill the party if Mboze use another TP move before WHM can un-paralyze themself and cure the party. If time permit, DD should hold back TP-ing till WHM can un-paralyze themself.
Took so many tries, only need a small mistake, bad luck (like Resolution miss for SC), or bad TP move back2back can wipe. Very punishing fight.
- All credit to Aramith9.
DRK - Recommended to use subtle Blow sets 65+ , Armor Break(Great Axe) equipped in lobby for tactician's roll max debuff duration) redo after 6 minute has passed with 3k TP , Soul Enslavement At 25%. Don't Use Endark it overwrite Auspice.
Recommended food: Deep Fried Shrimp "70 Acc , Subtle blow 8+"
Note: other party members stay away by 8 yalms to avoid feeding Mboze tp from his auto aoe melee attacks.
BST - Killer Instinct with Cricket at start then switch to Leech for TP Drainkiss spam coordinated with BLU spells, use Unleash at 25% and spam TP drain Kiss.
BLU - Feather Tickle Reeving Wind coordinated with BST Leech TP drain Kiss recast time , Silent Storm for silence.
COR - Tactician's Roll in the Lobby for DRK to do Armor Break(Great Axe), CC SAM and Chaos , Light Shot Dia II, Random Deals, Wild Card once needed. later in fight on blu do Caster's Roll, to reduce recasting time of the Reeving Wind and Feather Tickle (90 seconds ⇒ 18 seconds)
WHM - Auspices DRK and Boost-VITs and Silences, Asylum and Sancro at 25%
BRD - SV songs for DRK: HM, Minuet x3, Madrigal ,Wind Threnody II and Nitros at 75% during Invincible.
- Credit to Heck
DRK: Subtle Blow build with Empy GS. Soul Enslavement around 20%. Absorb - TP now and then. Turn when both Mew/BLU is on cooldown.
COR: Chaos + Sam Roll. Wind Shot BLUS Silent Storm. WC around 70%
BLU: Feather Tickle and Reaving Wind on cooldown. Silent Storm to silence (lasts a long time with wind shot). MG team right before pull.
BRD: 5x normal songs at start. NITRO SV Wind Threnody II + Elegy on pull (when its downstairs) then HM, Minuet x3, Mad. 2 March + 3 Ballads on backline. Keep up Wind Threnody 2/Elegy (need NITRO) use Marcato Thren II if SV is down.
WHM: Cureskin and Auspice, Sancro/Asylum around 20%
SMN: SMN standard buffs (Hastega II, TP Bonus, Stat Bonus, Attack UP) Mew in coordination with BLU (~20 seconds)
The DRK pulls the tree downstairs, you want to have its face near the inside of the left or right pillar where you start. Everyone else stands 7.5 behind the tree. BLU opens with silent storm and then tickles/winds. If both mew and blu spells on long cooldown make sure to tell the DRK to turn for a couple of seconds. WHM can keep cureskin up and make sure auspice is recast before it drops.
We ended up with only it using 1 TP move around 10% but we were able to recover and win with 3~ minutes left.
Edit: Here's my BLU List. I stacked Magic DEF to help with rouge -ga spells and TP moves, diamond hide to help stoneskin group between cooldowns and some HP bonus. Some standard buffs in there but you can also replace things for more fast cast if you really want to.
<slot01>barrier tusk</slot01>
<slot02>saline coat</slot02>
<slot03>delta thrust</slot03>
<slot04>barbed crescent</slot04>
<slot05>erratic flutter</slot05>
<slot06>battery charge</slot06>
<slot07>reaving wind</slot07>
<slot08>wind breath</slot08>
<slot09>glutinous dart</slot09>
<slot10>magnetite cloud</slot10>
<slot11>silent storm</slot11>
<slot13>retinal glare</slot13>
<slot14>feather tickle</slot14>
<slot15>rending deluge</slot15>
<slot16>tenebral crush</slot16>
<slot17>scouring spate</slot17>
<slot18>magic fruit</slot18>
<slot19>actinic burst</slot19>
<slot20>metallic body</slot20>
Add your V15 contribution here!
Vengeance 20
Add your V20 contribution here!
Vengeance 25
First KI: RUN DRK SMN RDM BLU GEO. The softening up team. This composition can reliably get Mboze to sub 75%. It is also possible to bring it to sub 70%. On the winning run we only brought it to the 75% threshold.
RUN: Tank it faced away from the DRK/GEO/BLU. You can Rayke for Armor Break, but it should land with no issue without it. Stoneskin spam is nice to reduce damage, and thus TP gain.
DRK: Use Subtle Blow. Our DRK used Scythe, rotating Quietus and Cross Reaper. Absorb-STR. You can use Soul Enslavement either before or after Invincible at 75%, or not at all depending on the needs of the second group.
SMN: All the relevant buffs (Warcry/TP Bonus/Hastega). Mewing every 25-30s depending on BLU's needs. Our SMN did not contribute damage in this phase, but I imagine Predator Claws could speed things up between Mewing Lullabies.
RDM: Buffs/Debuffs/Add control/Healing. Silence is important for reducing TP gain from Occult Acumen nukes. Our RDM did not contribute to damage at all in this phase.
BLU: TP reduction spells in synchronicity with the SMN. Apply Tourbillion/Tenebral Crush when Armor Break falls off. Melee during Soul Enslavement if you choose. MP can be an issue here, so get some help from the GEO (Radial Arcana), RDM (Refresh 3), or Vile Elixirs. Help Heal if the RDM is occupied. Diamondhide can help reduce Mboze's TP gain.
GEO: Bolster after Armor Break at the start. Geo-Fury/Indi-Haste/Entrust Indi-STR. Once Bolster falls, Blaze of Glory/Ecliptic Attrition a new Geo-Fury. Watch Netflix for 15 minutes.
This part is straightforward. RUN pulls Mboze down to the bottom of the stairs and faces it towards the staircase. DRK engages from max distance to try to reduce TP gain from aoe auto-attacks. The rest can stand ~8 yalms away to be out of range completely. Bash away at it while sucking it off until 75%. We did not TP on the add and WS Mboze for this strategy, we just pulled the add away and attempted to push down to sub 70%.
Second KI: WAR COR BST WHM BRD PLD. TP on the add and WS on Mboze. Positioning is important. The add(s) should be facing only the PLD so nobody else is inflicted with Infaunal Flop. Mboze should be faced away from everyone except the tank (WAR) to avoid TP feed from conal auto-attacks. We fought it in the open area downstairs to give us maximum breathing room.
WAR: Pull with Armor Break. This should get the add out immediately, and burn Invincible's timer while you run downstairs and get in position. Switch to Axe and Mistral Axe/Calamity. Use JAs judiciously; Tomahawk/Warcry especially. SPs around 25% to push through the most dangerous part of the fight.
BST: Killer Instinct with a Vermin. Swap out to Leech and get to sucking on cooldown. Communicate with the group as much as you can. If you need to swap pets/Leech dies/TP suck was too high, tell people to hold the fuck up. Leech is going to get its ass beat here. Babysit as much as you can. Or run in/out every 30s. Coordination with the COR is important to get Bestial Loyalty/Call Beast back. If there's nothing left in the tank, Unleash. In the winning run, we Unleashed before 25%. Our BST only contributed damage in one run, and we promptly told them to move off. The extra damage is nice, but not necessary. Mboze never used a TP move with only one person controlling TP, and our BST reported never sucking more than ~750 TP.
WHM: Haste/Regen/BarStonra/BarParalyzra/Boost-STR/Auspice/Silence. Silence is important here, just as it is in the first phase. It should not take more than two casts to land, outside of Magic Accuracy Down aura. Call out Dia2 on Mboze. Call out Paralyze on Mboze and the adds, and Slow on the adds as well. The COR can upgrade all of these for enhanced potency. Prioritize status removal - Max HP Down/Paralyze - over pretty much everything else. Heals come next. Then buffs. Then debuffs. This can get stressful when adds spam TP moves. Roll the dice on when to Sacro/Asylum late in the fight. Hold Benediction for the absolute last possible/worst moment.
BRD: HM/Minuet/Minuet/Minuet/Etude songs. HM/Minnes/Ballads for PLD and WHM. WHM will not be taking much damage at all here, but it was easier for us to apply the Ballads to both PLD and WHM at the same time. Savage Blade.
COR: Chaos Roll/Samurai Roll, Savage Blade. Our COR had hate on the second add. Stay near the PLD so they can Flash/Shield Bash/Atonement to get it quickly. Re-rolls will have to happen at some point in this fight. Communicate those, as well as resets, with the group as needed.
PLD: Just be careful with enmity generation. Our PLD would Flash the add as soon as it was brought downstairs. Shield Bash/Flash it throughout the fight. Avoid JA usage and Cures early on. Grab the second add as stated above. By this point you are safe to use some Ramparts and help Cure if (when) the WHM falls behind.
Auras: In the winning run we got Defense Down in phase one. In phase two, we got Magic Evasion Down then Magic Defense Down.
Attack Down: Timed out/wiped at 7% on the run we got this below 40%. Seriously hampers your damage. Hope you don't get this below 40%. Magic Attack Down: Would be ideal. Hampers this composition in no way.
Defense Down: Can be dangerous in phase one, since there is a lack of healing. In phase two, WHM has no trouble keeping up with the increased damage.
Magic Defense Down: Another ideal one. Mboze should not get any TP moves off, so the only threat comes from adds. It's a minor detriment.
Magic Evasion Down: Getting this in phase two at any point is Status Effect hell. WHM should stand outside of aoe range and abuse Divine Caress to get Paralyze off the group, especially the BST and WAR. It's annoying, but not run-ending.
Magic Accuracy Down: An extreme detriment to this strategy. BLU TP resets require high MACC. Silence from RDM and WHM require high MACC. WHM was unable to stick Silence during this Aura, leading to Stonega4 TP generation > Timber. May be offset by Threnody/Crepe.
Total attempts: ~6 -- 13:41, 19 January 2023 Hya