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Strategy / Testimonial
Vengeance 0
Cleared this fight for several linkshell members last night in two separate parties. 1st Party was RUN, DRG, PUP, RDM, SCH, WHM. 2nd Party was RUN, DNC, RDM, BLM, WHM, BRD. As main page states, the key is consistently keeping the damage window open via Red & BLU procs. Used discord to say when Skillchains were opening or closed due to lag.
- 1st Party: DRG continuously 2-stepped Darkness, PUP role was two-fold in offering Blunt damage and non-lagged automaton MB's, RDM maintained Enstone and used Sanaguine Blade to not disrupt Skillchains as well as the occasional Stone MB, SCH MB'd Helix & Stone and helped back up WHM.
- 2nd Party: DNC swapped in to continuously 2-stepped Darkness, RDM maintained same role as first party, BLM swapped in for SCH for stronger MB's, BRD swapped in for PUP for songs and additional dps.
Both fights won in less than 10 minutes. --Brahmsz (talk) 08:52, 24 February 2021 (EST)
We went in with RUN BRD RDM BLM SCH DRK. Rune uses tellos, mages burst when DRK solo skillchains darkness. RDM helps with burst when fetters up.
An easy solo for a very well-geared SCH carrying several LSmates. The purpose of the testimonial is to clearly state that non-PUP jobs can solo this fight. Amchuchu/Ygnas/Star Sibyl. Prebuff with Sandstorm2/Klimaform/Regen V. Engage, make a Gravitation, burst Geohelix2. Hold enough strats to blue proc, but otherwise repeat your skillchain and burst Ebullience Stone Vs for additional damage. Tabula Rasa at will and spam solo skillchain/bursts. If geared well enough, should be a ~5min clear. Hya (talk) 22:37, 20 January 2025 (UTC)
Add your V0 contribution here!
Vengeance 15
GEO: Acumen + INT, Entrust Haste
COR: Samurai + Crooked Wizard Rolls. Changing merit for Loaded Deck 5/5 recomended.
SCH: Regen, Sandstorm II, Embrava, Klimaform
About 2.2mil HP? Helix DOT damage don't show on parse.
Crashing Thunder gives Ongo lightning aura animation, Proc Red *!!* then Blue *!!* in certain time duration to remove aura.
Red *!!* Weakness: MB
Blue *!!* Weakness: Continuing from the above MB
Update June 2021: June 2021 patch seems to change Invincible to Elemental Sforzo. March 2021 to before June 2021 Ongo uses Invincible
Recommended SC: Jishnu's Radiance > Leaden salute > Namas Arrow > Wild Fire.
Fight on Earthday if possible, for the day bonus.
SCH Tabula Rasa at start for Stratagems, so can buffs fast.
BLM ES Impact, RUN Gambit + Rayke, COR Earthshot with Empy boots, let SCH MB Geohelix 2 before starting to MB so can hit the 10k DOT cap. Keep Geohelix 2 up at all time, as close to 10k as possible, need Gambit + Rayke if MB nonstop.
Kaustra did 440 this fight, previous fight did 6k MB (I thought it did 4k this fight, just realized it after rewatching video).
COR Earthshot with Empy boots to make Ongo take 25% more earth damage for the next 10 seconds.
RNG COR SC: Jishnu's Radiance + Leaden Salute = Gravitation + Namas Arrow = Darkness + Wildfire = Darkness.
RUN call out Random Deal / Wildcard for Rayke reset, win or lose can depend on how many Rayke reset.
BLM RUN COR gather for Random Deal. BLM want ES reset for Impact, RUN want Rayke/Gambit reset. BLM -DT set or use Manawall (may compete for ES reset).
BLM RUN COR GEO SCH gather for Wildcard.
SCH make SC when COR have to rerolls (I messed up this part, didn't see message COR going for reroll and I blew Stratagems on buffs).
SCH Cure and rebuff RUN as needed, Ongo have TP move that dispel.
- Credit to Phalaos
BRD: Learned Etude, Sage Etude(Su3 Head is recommended), March , Ballad , Ballad, COR RUN: March(HM).once battle start, BRD use Earth Threnody and Nocturne
COR Rolls: CC Wizard , SAM. recommended merit: Quickdraw recast 5/5, loaded deck 5/5, recommended gear Empy AF feet +1.
GEO: Acumen , Malaise , Entrust -INT.
SCH: Regen, Sandstorm II, Embrava, Klimaform, Aim for MB with Helix During Steel Cyclone or Full Break > Wild Fire. SCH create 3 Step, followed by RUN and COR:
Scission(MB) > Detonation(Skip) - Gravity(MB), Steel Cyclone or Full break(MB), Wild fire(MB). once Immanence is down please call for it, so RUN and COR do 2 step skill chain till it goes up.
BLM: cast Stoneja For the cumulative effect, which gives a 100 seconds effect of 5% same elemental damage up, and then use elemental seal impact, prioritizes Stoneja for MB to increase the cumulative effect. When Subtle Sorcery is about to wear off, use Rayke. Recommended to merit: Stone element potency.
RUN: use Gambit only at start, COR come in for Random Deal to recover Gambit, then immediately use Rayke, During Ongo E.Sforzo, use Gambit(don't use immediately) which is reset by Random Deal at start, then COR come in for Wild Card to reset Gambit, Rayke and 1hr.
RUN recommended weapon: Kaja Chopper(Steel Cyclone) or Heptizone axe +1(full break).
More Damage passes through when Rayke and Subtle Sorcery are used, with both Rayke and Subtle Sorcery help to cut down the bosss faster, in addition to the usual MB method On Ongo, this one uses more multi-SkillChain setup, and Cor QD Earth Shot, Stoneja to trigger Cumulative magic.
After wildcard(Ongo's E.sforzo effect off) GEO use Bolster, SCH Tabula Rasa , BLM Subtle Sorcery
Between two Skillchains(non-MB period) aim for Impact and Burn(Can land only during Subtle Sorcery).
credit to Phalaos, Credit for translation: Caesir
- Credit to Toralin
SCH: opens with tabula after books are done(regen v, embrava, sandstormII, manif and klima), makes Gravitation SC - after tabula and books spent, Ongo will probably 1hr Elemntal Scherzo, after thats done, exhaust books again -> RD -> exhaust books -> WC -> exhaust books -> RD.
Make sure SCH has priority to get helix2 @ 10k+
BRD: 5 song at top of stairs, nq songs, RUN goes in position it, backline @20+, SV/Nitro march ballads, INT etudes on backline and piano some songs on RUN. BRD Debuff Earth Threnody II, elegy,
RUN: gambit, Rayke(only, so RD restores them) have to do it before gravitation and do it as much as possible.
Cor(5/5 loaded deck merits, empy boots) CC wizard, warlock rolls, earth shot on gravitation rd/wc/rd
BLM ES impact and MB their *** off
GEO: geo-acumen indi-int only MB during Rayke
Saw some 90K+ MB’s during rayke and gambit Earth Day recommended.
~5 minute strategy from 茶樽 on Youtube.
BLM's gearset:
レーヴァテイン / Laevateinn エンキストラップ / Enki Strap ガストリタスラム+1/ Ghastly Tathlum エアハット+1 / Ea Hat +1 エアウプランド+1 / Ea houppelande +1 アグゥゲージ / Agwu's Gages アグゥスロップス / Agwu's Slops アグゥピガッシュ / Agwu's Pigaches クアンプネックレス / Quanpur Necklace 八輪の帯 / Hachirin-no-Obi マリグナスピアス / Malignance Earring 王将の耳飾り / Regal Earring フレキリング / Freke Ring メタモルリング+1 / Metamorph ring +1 タラナスケープ / Taranus's Cape
The following is a translation of the video by Alseyn of Asura.
Songs: Etude, Etude, March, Ballad, Ballad Honor March on RUN and COR
Rolls: Wizard, Samurai
Geomancy: Indi-Acumen, Geo-Malaise, Entrust Indi-INT
Ongo has 30 earth resistance and will always half-resist Stone. Only during RUN's Rayke and BLM's Subtle Sorcery can you get full damage.
Stacking DPS support on top of Rayke/Subtle makes it easier to wear the boss down.
As a means to increase DPS, we added to the common MB comp by making sure to take advantage of multi-step skillchains, Quickdraw, and Stoneja's cumulative effect.
At the start of the fight, the BRD uses Earth Threnody and Nocturne while NiTro is still up.
BLM starts off by applying the cumulative effect from Stoneja* and casting Elemental Seal Impact. [* The BLM has a specific macro for this so they're probably using Empy+1 legs for this specific case of casting Stoneja to create a 100 sec cumulative effect window.]
The cumulative effect lasts for 100 seconds and increases damage of the same element by 5% each time you cast. [Caps at 25%]
RUN uses Gambit only at the start and gets it back with an immediate Random Deal, then uses Rayke.
For skillchains, the SCH makes three types: Scission > Detonation > Gravitation, which is extended into Darkness using Steel Cyclone and Wildfire.
Prioritize Stoneja as much as possible when magic bursting to increase the cumulative effect.
The SCH aims to burst Helix between Steel Cyclone and Wilfire...but totally forgot to! Oops.
During the period Ongo has Elemental Sforzo up, use the Gambit you got back from Random Deal and reset it with Wild Card.
After Wildcard, use Bolster, Tabula Rasa, Subtle Sorcery, and just go ham on it.
Between skillchains, try to land Impact and Burn. Only apply Burn during Subtle Sorcery.
When Subtle is about to wear off, apply Rayke.
Add your V15 contribution here!
Vengeance 20
Fight havent changed much since V15 aside from some defensive buffs, This is how we kill it.
Wizard & Gallant Roll
SV/CC (Save Nightingale/Troubadour for Threnody) March Minne Ballad Int Etude x2
SCH Tablua AoE buffs: Pro/Shell, RegenV, Embrava, Sandstorm II, Klimaform, Aquaveil.
RUN Tellus x3 Barthunder.
After pull BRD Nightingale/Troubadour Earth ThrenodyII and full duration songs while SV is still active. And x2 Thunder Carol on Run and Marches
GEO Bolster Malaise/Acumen Entrust Int.
RUN Gambit for Helix and builds 3x Tellus for Rayke when skillchains starts.
SCH Self SC to land Geohelix II, Blm does Vidohunir for the -10MDB and MB Impact before SCH's Helix.
Cor opens skillchain with Snipershot Sch Ends for Scission, RUN Raykes and continuos SC until 75% 1hour and add pops BLM Does Enmity Douse right before add pop.
Overtime BRD gained enough Enmity to kite the add downstairs for last stage of the fight, made sure to keep Threnody on.
@75% Everyone runs in for Random Deal and hope for good resets. Save Wild Card until Bolster wears off.
Rince and repeat.
Wota (talk) 17:25, 20 January 2022 (EST)
Add your V20 contribution here!
Vengeance 25
This fight is all about maximizing Gambit and Rayke windows, so this strategy aims to do that.
RUN will be tanking this in 1h axe. After self-buffing, they can help to Shell 5 the party. COR starts with wizards, then follows that up with crooked tacticians (you need to hit a 5,9, 10, or 11 if COR/RUN are to extend every single skillchain.) Right after pull, you will apply miser's roll to yourself and the RUN. BRD pops Clarion Call and puts up 2 marches, an etude, and 2 ballads. SCH needs to be conservative with strategems here. You should be pulling Ongo by 13 minutes on the clock, meaning you have roughly 4 strategems at your disposal for buffing. Use those on AOE Protect 5, AOE+Perp Regen 5, and to get into Addendum: Black. The other buffs to put up are adloquium on the RUN and COR, Sandstorm 2 on the SCH and BLM, Klimaform, Animus Minuo on the SCH, and Animus Augeo on the BRD.
Pull: The goal is to hit 75% in 3 elongated skillchains (6 strategems.) This is roughly 10:30 on the encounter timer. If you're not hitting it there, more than likely gambit/rayke timings aren't being maximized and/or earth shots aren't hitting the high value spells. On pull, the BRD pops SV and Nitro, applies a strong Earth threnody to the boss, re-ups previous buffs, then Tenuto's themself with 2x mambos and 3x minnes. Once buffs are good, they can spam Lullabies/Tier 1 threnodies on the boss in an enmity set to try and build enmity. The RUN applies gambit exactly when Gravitation starts, then applies Rayke as soon as possible afterwards while extending gravitations with Ruinator. The COR applies Miser's roll to the COR+RUN while extending Ruinators with Wildfire, and using Earth Shot on Stone 6's. GEO runs Indi-INT + Blaze/EA Geo-Malaise + Entrust Acumen. The SCH opens gravitation, applies a nice helix, and nukes liberally. During a typical skillchain, you can land T5+T4+T3+T5+T2 off of the RUN's darkness and the COR's double darkness. The BLM free-casts Stoneja to begin stacking the buff, bursts an Impact off of the first Gravitation, then bursts as expected. Importantly, the BLM should free-nuke in between skillchains and continue stacking the -ja buff.
75%: BRD begins building enmity on the add.
SCH pops Tabula Rasa immediately and begins buffing: Accession + Perpetuance Sandstorm 2 Perpetuance Adloquium RUN Perpetuance Adloquium COR Refresh Klimaform Everyone runs into the RUN Random deal Accession + Perpetuance Embrava Accession + Perpetuance Regen 5
Around this time the bird starts taking damage again, so it's time to Bolster, Rayke, Gambit, getanother nice Helix up, and start pushing to the lower 40%'s. Do not push it into its 2nd 2-hour yet. Even if random deal didn't hit both Rayke and Gambit, things are fine.
Around the time Tabula Rasa is falling, Ongo should be in the mid-to-lower 40's. You will hold it here,within a single skillchain of 40%, until Rayke is 45 seconds from coming back up. The COR can use this waiting period as an opportunity to reapply the same 3 rolls. With Rayke at 45s, use as few strategems as possible to push Ongo into its second Sforzo. A useful strategem saver is True Strike - Immanence Noctohelix. Both the SCH and BLM should have TP due to Tacticians.
40%: Everyone except the RUN runs far enough away to SCH SP2 the adds onto the BRD. From that point foward,the BRD will kite the adds away from the group. The BRD needs to find an opportunity in the next ~1.5 minutes to reapply a strong Earth Threnody II. If they got JA's back with the first random deal it can be done now. If not, they need to do a drive-by during the upcoming Wild Card for JA's, and reapply it then.
After 30 seconds have elapsed and the group has reassembled 20+ yalms from Ongo, the BLM can pop SP2 and get Burn up along with a new Impact. Be sure to reapply Burn with a couple seconds remaining on SP2.
With Gambit and Rayke off cooldown naturally, do 3 elongated skillchains, and be sure to apply a new Helix. And the end of those skillchains, run in for Wild Card. With Gambit and Rayke reset, do 3 more elongated skillchains. And the end of those skillchains, run in for Random Deal. With Gambit and/or Rayke reset, do 3 more elongated skillchains. Ongo should be long dead at this point -- likely even before the last random deal. But if it's not and Wild Card didn't reset any 2-hour abilities, you're likely out of gas. You can abuse True Strike into Noctohelix to try and eek out a win, or come back and try to clean up execution. Any successful 2-hour reset from the COR should be a free win, even under unfavorable auras, considering all of the things it gives you back (more rayke/gambits, random deals, BLM SP2, Bolster, and Tabula Rasa.)
As far as auras go, we countered MAB down with Indi-Acumen, and MACC down can be ignored entirely. Your ability to ignore MACC down depends entirely on the BRD sticking that buffed Threnody -- so keep an eye on that. Remember to reapply Klimaform going into the final push if MACC down was your first aura, as it overwrites it.
Our best win had 4:04 on the clock with room for about 30 seconds of improvement. The GEO helped to nuke during Rayke/demat, but isn't required.
Bippin (talk), 24 May 2023 (EST)
- What's an elongated Skillchain, why is a 1 handed axe needed for this strategy versus a 2 handed axe and what sort of damage should you be seeing from all contributing parties?
Mikumaru (talk) 14:24, 27 August 2023 (UTC)
My notes as the SCH for V25 Ongo: You make the calls for random deal/wild card. You need the resets for your stratagems. No strats = no MB = no damage.
Run to the top of the stairs: LA+AD, Reraise3, Sublimation, FOOD, A Protect, A Aquaveil, A+P Adloquium, Tabula Rasa, A+P Embrava, A+P Regen5, A+P Sandstorm, A+P Animus Minuo, P Animus Augeo BRD, DA+AD, Manifestation Klimaform
Start making two step skillchains: Aero > noctohelix (Darkness) RUN and COR make 4 step darkness (ruinator > wildfire) BRD and GEO make 4 step darkness (rudras storm > exudiation) Use Geohelix2 on Rayke which was our second skillchain. Hope for >=10k damage. Every tock (10 seconds) the helix will do 10k damage.
@74%: LA, A+P Embrava, DA+AB, Manifestation Klimaform
@40%: run to the bottom of the stairs, caper on to BRD, run back to the boss for Wild Card. RUN gets rayke/gambit back. Re-apply Geohelix2 at some point.
Burn it down with 2 hours and hopefully Tabula Rasa.
Video of the fight from the GEO’s perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meMuX3DCoSM
Fought on Icesday. Earthsday helps but isn’t necessary. Magic Attack down aura may require additional JAs by the GEO and BLM Subtle Sorcery + Burn to push it to 40% then hope for the Wild Card reset. MAcc down aura isn’t good but is manageable.
Notable points in the fight. Times based on time remaining in the fight:
Start first SC @1311
74% @1115. Aura: Magic Evasion Down
@1035 Resume SCing
39% @0641. Aura: Attack Down. Wild Card returned Tabula Rasa
@0335: Random Deal for Rayke/Gambit
Wild Card again (because we could) at 5% @0228
Won @0150
Total Damage done was about 3,638,031 (91.83% based on damage meter). Adding in other SC damage and helix tocks, Ongo V25 has about 4,000,000 HP.
--Xenia, Bahamut