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Talk:Seekers of Adoulin Mission 4-3
This battle is against waves of Umbril. You are assisted by NPCs, and they are able to be defeated. If any NPC is defeated, you automatically lose the battle. It is highly recommended that you bring healing jobs due to the Bio effect of the Umbril's TP moves are AoE and very potent. Paralyze is almost as potent as Fulmination from Khimaira. The AoE range is quite large, so its hard to avoid getting hit.
The mobs are affected by Lullaby, but it is almost pointless to sleep due to NPCs attacking random monsters, and they generate hardly any hate. That being said, if you sleep them they will most likely come right for you and will continue to attack while the NPCs keep them awake.
Funkworkz (talk) 19:29, 18 May 2014 (EDT)
Trioed this with BLM+SCH boxed (me) and a second BLM. These umbrils are as weak to fire as any other umbril. One firaja was more than 60% of their hp. Buffs are lost on entry. Inside, SCH buffed with protect, shell, barbliz and barpara, and added regen5 when stratagems permitted. Only one umbril got a tp move off, but I was able to remove paralyze on the first try. A BLM could probably solo this as long as they didn't eat the para/bio move, or if they were able to quickly use a recovery item before getting overwhelmed or an npc died.Quedari (talk) 21:35, 8 June 2014 (EDT)
Easy solo as RDM/BLM. Just buff up and do firaga. Bring a few remedies in case your barblizzard/barparalyze doesn't prevent paralysis.
Solo'd as RDM/BLM can be done as BLM but I wanted more refresh. I did NOT use any aoe's, this did nothing but crowd me with mob's. Easiest thing to do is single target nuke them, tier's II-IV Macro them makes it much easier, with the Trust: Moogle out plus refresh II I could nuke with anything and be fine. Magic attack sets are highly suggested here, and fun to see the mobs seriously blow up with fire magic. Also one remedy was used. Zexion 17:00, 15, April 2015. (EDT)
Solo'd as SMN/SCH, Trusts were Apururu (UC), Sakura, Moogle, Amchuchu, Ulmia. Started with Rammuh for AoE and AoE Stun. He lost too much HP so switched to Garuda. Spammed Whispering Wind to keep NPC's alive, worked very well. Pred Claw'd everything else wasn't too long a fight and NPC's finished full HP, Whispering Wind was restoring it's upper range sometimes though so they do take some damage. Verda 17:00, 16, August 2015. (EDT)