Talk:Siren (Notorious Monster)

From FFXI Wiki


  • Cleared with 89 RUN/BLU with 4 Trusts: Halver, Semih Lafihna, Apururu (UC), and Adelheid. Attacked from rear; Valiance(Gelus) at 25%; 10 minute fight. -- 12:25, 25 April 2018 Prismfang
  • Cleared with 79 WHM/BLM with 4 Trusts: Trion, Semih Lafihna, Tenzen, Yoran-Oran (UC). Slow fight, and Siren despawns if not beaten in a set length of time. Most spells will be resisted at this level. Kept up Dia II on Siren and saved mana for healing Trion when Yoran ran low. Stayed behind her in melee range to build club TP. Used Moonlight whenever at max TP to recharge Yoran-Oran + my mana. -- 30 September 2019 Xaintly
  • Very easy fight. Completed on THF/WAR lvl 90. The trusts I had out were: Trion, Yoran-Oran (UC), Iron Eater, and Joachim. I would Trick Attack on to Trion with 1000 tp using Shark Bite. I stopped doing this around 30 percent and just stayed behind her dishing out the remaining damage. She does that conal AoE charm move (Entice) that will wipe all of your trusts if she happens to charm you, but you can avoid it if you stay in the back. From what I've observed, she likes to use Entice sometime below 25 percent health left. Play it safe and fight her from the back. It's the perfect way to "cheese" her. -- 14 October 2020 Heavenborne
  • Cleared on PUP70/DNC35 solo with Trusts (11m 44s): Halver, Flaviria (UC), Margret, Valaineral, and Adventuring Fellow (Fierce Attacker style w/ polearm). Difficult to deal enough damage within 15 minutes. Focused on Piercing damage with aggressive weaponskill usage, no skillchains or magic dps. Used Homemade Rice Ball to buff fellow and trust's damage/accuracy. WHM automaton easily kept up with healing, deployed 10' away, re-deployed at 28% to re-apply Shellra for the tank. Clarsach Call didn't deal enough to trigger Blessed Radiance. Entice was used throughout the fight, as early as its 2nd TP move. --Shynoe (talk) 22:13, 8 March 2022 (EST)
  • Cleared with 80 SCH/WHM with 4 Trusts: Semi Lafihna, Lion II, Valaineral, Apururu (UC). Fight wasn't optimized; ran out of MP. Used Dia II a few times. Use Sublimation, Parsimony, and Alacrity and Nuke as often as possible. Used BLM III spells frequently. --28 August Kingmayhem
  • Cleared with RDM75/(No sub). Stood back and let trusts do all the damage while I did Dia III, Distract, Paralyze II, Phalanx II, and off-heals. Used Call For Help at 5% to invalidate kills so I could test different Unity trusts, there was no actual outside help.
    • 10m34s with Gessho, Cherukiki, Naja (UC), Shantotto II. Naja sets up 3-step double darkness skillchains with Justicebreaker -> Lesson In Pain -> Shibaraku. Needs continuous skillchaining because the Magic Defense Down also causes Aero to heal more. Not enough Haste here for Naja to self-skillchain. It was Windsday, it's likely faster on any other day. Gessho holds up surprising well here in the face of Elegy and Mute, Cherukiki was above 50% MP and I didn't need to Convert until the last 10%.
    • 10m18s with Trion, Cherukiki, Aldo (UC), Shantotto II. Trion is still good because his self-Stoneskin (Royal Savior) can block Siren's convert-damage-to-HP move or eat a Magic Finale. Fought on Lightningday. Aldo's damage is too low to do physical strat, had to do skillchains like Naja.
    • 7m37s with Amchuchu, Semih Lafihna, Fablinix, Flaviria (UC). Amchuchu does all her own buffs, then Fablinix can handle healing with added damage benefits. Celidon's Torment -> Lux Arrow (Defense Down, Distortion) is a nice combo. --Shynoe (talk) 03:59, 29 August 2022 (EDT)
  • Cleared on THF78/NIN35. Equipped with the Aurore set as suggested by the new player guide. Trusts: Semih Lafihna, Valaineral, Shantotto II, and Naja(UC). Had to watch out for skillchain element to avoid healing the boss, stayed away from Shark Bite. Didn't really pay too much attention to anything else and won the fight very easily. -- 13 Jan 2025


  • Has approximately 34500 HP
  • Does Clarsach Call at 25%
  • Lunatic Voice can be avoided with Healers that stand far
  • Takes reduced physical damage (~50% PDT?) -- 12:25, 25 April 2018 Prismfang
  • Piercing damage is not resisted, as far as I can tell, may even be weak to it.
  • Clarsach Call is the only AoE damaging move and it is only used one time. No need to AoE heal, just focus heal the tank since Siren will gain an Attack bonus.
  • Requiem keeps getting applied to the tank, but Siren isn't casting Requiem. Seems to be attached to its abilities or it has a chance to apply Requiem with its basic attacks.
  • Time limit is 15 minutes, after which Siren will despawn. --Shynoe (talk) 22:13, 8 March 2022 (EST)