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Talk:Sonic Thrust
Sonic Thrust 300 TP
Testing inspired by Ophannus sending me a PM, coupled with Zhayolm Remnants kicking my ass
- Gondo-Shizunori on WAR99/RDM49 (Critical Attack Bonus II, +8%) with a Primeval Brew and Mighty Strikes against Blood Bats in Abyssea - Tahrongi.
- 30% STR/DEX predicts floor(floor((.6*999)*.85) = 509 base damage from modifiers
- 85/9 + 8 = 17 cap for fSTR
- 85 base damage + 17 + 509 = 611 base damage weapon
I pulled all the Blood Bats on WAR/RDM and then brewed/mighty strikes'd and used a 300TP Sonic Thrust on them. I warped and did it again with Soil Gorget/Belt on. Technically this was unnecessary because we already know the modifiers, but there's no harm in double checking.
Data with +0fTP: 10383, 10531, 10556, 10641, 10698, 10738, 10746, 10753, 10775, 10776, 10781, 10800, 10818, 10895, 10962, 10978, 10987, 11006 (62% of the possible range) (Mode looks like a little less than 10700, which would give it ~4.3 fTP?)
Data with +50/256 fTP: 2542 (Miss+DA), 10785, 10921, 10978, 11023, 11026, 11036, 11101, 11108, 11122, 11123, 11142, 11156, 11161 11167, 11208, 11212, 11217, 11238, 11242, 11281, 11293, 11296, 11321, 11337, 11358, 11363, 11387, 11405, 11427, 11438, 11490, 11513 (61% of the possibility range) (Mode looks like about 11100, which would give it ~4.5 fTP?)
- I am going to put up 4.3 fTP until someone corrects me! --Byrthnoth 18:14, 21 March 2012 (EDT)
Response from Motenten
Some formatting/explanation/condensation my own:
- 2-handed weapon: 2.25 + 1 = 3.25
- Min pDif = 3.25 - 0.375 = 2.875
Pure Max/Min range ratio: 3.15 / 2.875 = 1.09565
- @1: 62.73% coverage
- @2: 70.57% coverage
1 in 6 will be below 3.0
- Average min with secondary spread: 2.875 * 1.025 = 2.946875
- Typical Max/Min range ratio: 3.15 / 2.946875 = 1.0689
The above accounts for the secondary randomizer's effect on <3 pDIF values, which has a substantial effect on the min that we can realistically actually expect to see. It does not change the theoretical max/min, but low pDIF values are incredibly unlikely due to this secondary randomizer.
- @1: 87.1% coverage
- @2: 98.0% coverage
1 in 14 below 3.0 (roughly in line with estimated observations)
Accounting for 8% crit damage bonus and 25% piercing bonus, the limits should be:
- Minimum fTP: 4.24
- Maximum fTP: 4.35
- Min damage is consistent with 4.25 and slightly above (set 1) or below (set 2) midline secondary modifier. Min damage if fTP is 4.3 results in very low secondary modifiers and generates a large gap above 3.15 between max observed and theoretical max. (Set 1: 165 points; Set 2: 164 points) Highest observed gap between values for most of the spread's upper range was 77 for Set 1 and 52 for Set 2. As such, 4.3 fTP seems too high.
- Gap generated with 4.25 fTP is 35 points for both Set 1 and Set 2, in line with other intervals seen.
- Set 2 appears to have its 3.0 value at right about 11000. 4.25 fTP sets 3.0 at 10998; 4.3 fTP sets 3.0 at 11122.
- I would estimate Set 1 to have its 3.0 value at about 10500. 4.25 fTP sets 3.0 at 10516; 4.3 fTP sets 3.0 at 10638.
Conclusion: So, overall fit of data for min damage, 3.0 pDif, and 3.15 pDif all seem to support an fTP of 4.25. --Motenten (PM)