
From FFXI Wiki
  • Performed Damage Type tests for Sunburst. My assumption is that this weapon skill's damage is affected by Blunt SDT, then modified by magic modifiers with resistance probably changing between light and dark.
    • Testing on SMN/WHM with Sanctuary of Zi'Tah undead mobs.
    • Battle Parameters:
      • STR 198, DEX 185, VIT 182, AGI 202, INT 238, MND 248, CHR 231
      • Attack+684, PDL+0, WSD+0, MAB+0, MagicDamage+0, Wpn Damage:53, ilvl 109
      • TP: 3000 for each test
    • Against Blest Bones (-100% DT to everything but magic, Full resistance to Dark/Water/Ice/Earth, No resistance to Light/Fire/Wind/Thunder): 0 Damage
      • Repeated attempts did not change from 0 damage.
      • Confirmed with Hot Shot on THF/RNG that hybrid weapon skills deal damage to the NM when equipped with Magic Damage+. Also tried Sunburst adding Magic Damage+227, still 0 Damage.
      • Confirmed with Seraph Blade and Sanguine Blade that light and dark WS deal damage to the NMs.
      • Requiescat did 0 damage. Spirits Within was able to deal damage. BLU 1000 Needles did 1000 damage, confirming no Breath DT.
    • Against Lode Golem, had same results with Sunburst: 0 Damage.
    • Revenant (lv 45 Ghost): Sunburst 874
      • after casting Banish from /WHM: Sunburst 1311
    • Lost Soul (lv 54 Skeleton): Sunburst 2186
      • Results in a Sunburst damage of 1749, 874 from Ghost's -50% blunt SDT and 2186 from Skeleton's +25% blunt SDT.
    • Against Goblin Poacher (lv 43 WAR): Sunburst 1749
      • w/ Star Sibyl sphere: Sunburst 2081
    • Against Skeleton Scuffler (+0% Blunt DT, -100% to other damage types): 109 Damage
      • Blunt DT was reconfirmed with weapon bash from level 99 DRK w/ Smiting Scythe: 35 damage as expected.
      • Damage reduced to 1/16 (level 4 resist? 1749 * 0.0625).
      • w/ Star Sibyl sphere: Sunburst 129

What happens if the monster has Magic DT and Blunt DT?

  • Against Magic Pot (lv 29 Magic Pot, -50% MDT, +50 Blunt DT, used Dream Shroud to gain 10 Magic Attack Bonus to negate its 10 Magic Defense Bonus): Sunburst 2623, confirming it applies the MAB/MDB and Blunt DT, unaffected by MDT
  • Against Myxomycete (lv 45 Funguars, no DT, 50% Dark resist tier, on Darksday): Sunburst: 1749, 1687, 874 (randomly), apparently some hits were Light and did normal damage, some hits were Light with -10% day bonus, some hits were Dark with forced 1/2 resist.

Also confirmed Affinity bonus gets applied. The Blest Bones test shows it's not a hybrid weapon skill. Seems to just be calculated the same way as other Magic WS, but it substitutes Blunt DT instead of Magic DT. It would mean you don't need to dispel Shell off of evil weapons before using Sunburst. It's not clear yet whether it gets around Magic Barrier. --Shynoe (talk) 21:08, 14 January 2024 (UTC)