Talk:The Long March North

From FFXI Wiki


  • Mining Points were hard to find despite all the rocks in N. Gustaberg (S), I feel like I made tracks on every square of the map. I had some luck with the area near what would be Palborough Mines (J-4) and the bottom of the cliff in the middle of the map (F-8). --Shynoe (talk) 22:55, 10 April 2022 (EDT)


  • 75 PUP/WAR had some difficulty with this fight. Popped Defender before touching the door. Count Furfur would take a few minutes to defeat, so took out the smaller demons first to remove their ability to burst dps with skillchains. He repeatedly uses Demonic Howl (AoE Slow), has Endrain, Soul Drain, and DRK spells. Trusts were Valaineral / Flaviria / Rainemard / ShikareeZ / Halver. --Shynoe (talk) 22:55, 10 April 2022 (EDT)

Ending Cutscene

Potential Spoilers
  • There's a ??? who talks to Lehko at the end of the mission in the form of a Carbuncle. It took me a while to realize that it wasn't the Carbuncle Prime, it's a summoner using an avatar to telecommunicate. Thought I'd mention it since it seems very out of character for Carbuncle, comes out of nowhere, and doesn't get explained AFAIK. --Shynoe (talk) 22:55, 10 April 2022 (EDT)