Talk:The Voracious Resurgence Mission 5-5

From FFXI Wiki

I have spawned Panaiveriyamman twice without the Thunder Hammer equipped. Both times were from the same Qiqirn Goldsmith in the room at H-7/I-8, NE from Silver Sea Remnants teleporter - Halon Phoenix, Sept 24, 2021

Spent over 4 hours trying to pop with no luck. Revisited all NPC's (including marolith site in Wajaom Woodlands) and was able to pop within minutes. - Averyn Asura, Sept 26, 2021

  • Went like 0/100 one-shotting Qiqirns with Subduction but 1/1 after switching to melee.
    • Presume it has some sort of enmity or tag mechanic to spawn the Acrolith NM. --Prismfang (talk) 21:47, 24 July 2022 (EDT)
    • Also had low/no success with one-shotting with BLU magic but melee engagement with a character on the quest yielded a spawn at G-7.

Thanks for another run-around-the-world mission that so far yield nothing of value. - Salty

This is just speculation, but maybe there's a bug that causes to the quest to sometimes not flag properly when entering the zone. Like if you warped in too quickly after receiving the mission. --Korrigan (talk) 13:37, 20 May 2023 (UTC)

This NM can spawn post mission as I have popped it solo even with having VR 100% completed. -- 05:17, 8 July 2024‎ Tokimemofan

BLU Magic

  • Possible to learn Sinker Drill from Panaiveriyamman. --Prismfang (talk) 17:09, 25 July 2022 (EDT)


  • Used Nyzul Isle Staging Point immediately after using Warp Cudgel to exit and go straight to location to engage Qigirns... Walked into entry door on left side... immediately engaged melee only without Thunder Hammer equipped, first time pop after killing first Qiqirn.-- Soliserio (talk) 23:15, 1 January 2025 (CST)