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Very straightforward fight if melee setup. Some key points:
• Plenty of access to -na. Nerve gas (poison/curse) is a pretty large aoe radius. Will also polar blast (paralyze) and pyric blast (plague).
• Do not stand directly in front of Thu'ban. All his breath moves will hit for full power along with being conal in front. Whoever has hate can stand to the side and only that person will be hit with breath moves.
• I haven't tried, but standing behind probably triggers the heavy hitting Serpentine Tail.
• Easily debuffed by a WHM. Slow/paralyze sticked with no problem.
• Killed as RUN WHM GEO GEO. Definitely need a source of accuracy or food, or both depending on gear. Melee friendly (in my experience) as long as aoe cure and quick debuff removal are done
Rehn (talk) 13:26, 23 November 2017 (EST)
Dark Knight w/ Apocalypse
--Datsikk (talk) 20:23 20 Jan 2021 (GMT)
Nin/War w/trusts
Like the top post says, it really is a very straightforward fight. Trusts used: Selh'teus, Arciela, Joachim, Monberaux, and Apururu (UC). Started out the fight in normal DD/TP gear then switched to full Malignance with DD accessories for the added evasion/accuracy. Take a moment after popping to get a few cheap hits in from the front while he is still growing his heads, this is just to get the Trusts activa. then move around to his side/hip area, the best spot I found to stand was just past the mid point of his ribs, that way he used Serpentine Tail more often than Nerve Gas, the gas sucks, but serp tail can be blocked with only 2 shadows. Sadly he still likes to abuse Bulwark for the Stoneskin/Defense effect that makes me incredibly dang jealous that it doesn't do the same for my Blue Mage.
The only ninjutsu debuff that I could stick on him was Hojo: Ni (Slow). So don't waste time or tools on the others. Used Heishi Shorinken in the main hand with Ternion Dagger +1 (R15) offhand. Just straight up Blade: Shun spam for Light and Radiance, didn't even try to MB. Depending on his usage of Bulwark the fights were taking me anywhere from 5 minutes. to dang near the full 15 min timer. Keep Berserk, Issekigan, Kakka: Ichi on as much as you can, with Myoshu: Ichi thrown in as well. But if you let them lapse it's not really a big deal as long as you get them up before too long, because you WILL be spamming the crap out of Utsusemi.
If your trusts start dieing off to Nerve Gas, or Serpentine Tail it's not really "Game Over" yet, my last pop on him Monberaux, Apururu, and Joachim all 3 bit the dust, leaving Selh'teus and Arciela as my sudo healers for about the last 25~30% of the fight, and did just fine anyway.
So that's Sarama and Thu'ban both soloed and down, now just need to get to where I can solo Shedu!!!
--Kronikx (Kronikx) 22:54 8/13/2021
Rdm/Nin w/trusts
Trusts: Apururu, King of hearts, Joachim, Star Sibyl, Ulmia. but any trusts with a healer works. most trusts will die, its fine.
Normal rdm debuffs, keeps shadows up, keep enspell up. 3-5min fight, real easy.