
From FFXI Wiki


Here are some ideas;

  • This needs a table that organize the different NMs that drop the Vorseal OR the Price from the NPC with the same or a similar format (Which I don't think I can get done well).
  • The tables also should have a sort function in the different brackets, if possible, so it can change the ordering based on Price, or different kind, or whatever other options available.
  • Affi and Dremi could possible go under the zone headers, and the NMs could be a separate table under that same zone header.
  • It also needs a pretty color scheme, and all that jazz.

--Apala (talk) 02:39, 10 August 2015 (EDT)


  • There needs to be BASE information from the two zones. For example, when you first go to Escha - Zi'Tah, you can buy some base Vorseals from Affi for silt, but this is before you kill anything. Most of the current players have killed NMs and bought stuff with Affi before going to Dremi, which could alter the Vorseals you can buy from her. Also, certain missions could unlock Vorseals, since it seems you DON'T need to complete the Rhapsodies Missions to enter Escha (At least you didn't for Ru'Aun). So a whole bucket of research needs done now V.v' Anything found would be wonderful, if not, I'll run my little mule out and see if she can die in Escha yet, lol

--Apala (talk) 02:39, 10 August 2015 (EDT)