Talk:Zhayolm Remnants II

From FFXI Wiki

Moved Testimony from main page

First Floor

This zone has the exact same map as Arrapago Remnants (75 Salvage). Took the SouthEast path. Main mobs are linking and aggro Toads. Not true sight or sound. Between rooms are Mamools. Various jobs. Cleared first room, nothing popped. Cleared final room, nothing popped. --Cyko, Lakshmi

Second Floor

South East porter from 1st floor leads to a room with Crawlers (aggro sound and appear to link to sound as well) They are accompanied by a BLU Mamool who tried to cast 1000 Needles. Interrupted with Violent Flourish. Killed 4 Crawlers and Mamool and checked the center halls for a Qiqirn or other NM, nothing was there. Ported to third floor. --Cyko, Lakshmi

from SW room up killed all crawlers and mamool, caused a gear to pop which dropped skadi armor.

Third Floor

Took west path. Mobs here are Pugils. At the extreme end (large room) are a lot of Mamools. Sneak/Invis past everything and ported. No visible NMs anywhere. One Archaic Rampart along the way dropped an Alexandrite and spawned a Pugil. --Cyko, Lakshmi

north path killed all mamools very north room and a red poroggo popped. used frog song but other than that was pretty weak. dropped page for ares armor.

Fourth Floor

Big room where you'd expect to find Psycheflayer or other NM was full of Diremites. None were any larger than the other (Western Path from Third Floor). Killed a couple, then checked out the other room with two very nasty Mamools. Killed and ported. No NM.

Fifth Floor

Clearing every room, south/east side (same map exactly as Arrapago). Tried popping door to force spawn chariot, but nothing popped. Then killed the single Archaic Chariot in the last room (farthest east) and then Battleclad Chariot popped. Uses Discoid under 50% with what appears to be auto-Regain doing about 3800 dmg to a 99MNK with Twilight Torque and Black Belt (fairly sure it's magic dmg, but just for detail). Kited him for a few minutes, and our group of 3 (WHM/BLM, THF/NIN, MNK/DNC[85 Vere]) killed and got 3 drops: Two Bloodshed Plans (ex), and One Umbrage Plans (ex). --Cyko, Lakshmi

Sixth Floor

Didn't spend a lot of time in this room, just warped up to kill/see MegaBoss. From the porter to the door are two ramparts, fixed on either side of the door, and no other mobs were seen. Did not engage anything. Opened door to porter, and went up. --Cyko, Lakshmi

Seventh Floor

Untargetable Rampart awaits in the MegaBoss room and automatically spawns a Hydra. Timed out before could do more than engage. --Cyko, Lakshmi