Category:Teleport Spell

From FFXI Wiki
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Teleport spells are a type of AoE white magic that allows players to revisit crags and telepoint crystals that they have visited before. They are split in to two types:

  • Teleport GUI.png Teleport Spells: Used to move your party to present telepoints.
  • Recall GUI.png Recall Spells: Used to move your party to past telepoints.

Teleport spells can all be used with White Mage sub job, but Recall spells can only be used by White Mage main job. In order for either of these spells to have an effect on you, you must have visited the destination before by some other method (most often by walking) and picked up a Gate Crystal key item. This is done simply by touching the teleport point. If you are hit by a spell that you do not have the proper crystal for, you will simply not be teleported.

Pages in category "Teleport Spell"

The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.