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Category:White Magic
From FFXI Wiki
White Magic encompasses various classes of magic that are generally focused on positively affecting allies in some way (HP restoration, applying positive status effects, etc.). The primary wielders of White Magic are, of course, White Mages, but it can also be wielded by Red Mages, Scholars, and Paladins.
White Magic scrolls can be found on the Auction House under Scrolls > White Magic.
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Pages in category "White Magic"
The following 186 pages are in this category, out of 186 total.
- Addle
- Addle II
- Adloquium
- Animus Augeo
- Animus Minuo
- Aquaveil
- Arise
- Aurorastorm
- Aurorastorm II
- Auspice
- Banish
- Banish II
- Banish III
- Banish IV
- Banishga
- Banishga II
- Baraera
- Baraero
- Baramnesia
- Baramnesra
- Barblind
- Barblindra
- Barblizzara
- Barblizzard
- Barfira
- Barfire
- Barparalyze
- Barparalyzra
- Barpetra
- Barpetrify
- Barpoison
- Barpoisonra
- Barsilence
- Barsilencera
- Barsleep
- Barsleepra
- Barstone
- Barstonra
- Barthunder
- Barthundra
- Barvira
- Barvirus
- Barwater
- Barwatera
- Blindna
- Blink
- Boost-AGI
- Boost-CHR
- Boost-DEX
- Boost-INT
- Boost-MND
- Boost-STR
- Boost-VIT
- Crusade
- Cura
- Cura II
- Cura III
- Curaga
- Curaga II
- Curaga III
- Curaga IV
- Curaga V
- Cure
- Cure II
- Cure III
- Cure IV
- Cure V
- Cure VI
- Cursna
- Deodorize
- Dia
- Dia II
- Dia III
- Diaga
- Embrava
- Enaero
- Enaero II
- Enblizzard
- Enblizzard II
- Enfire
- Enfire II
- Enlight
- Enlight II
- Enstone
- Enstone II
- Enthunder
- Enthunder II
- Enwater
- Enwater II
- Erase
- Esuna
- Firestorm
- Firestorm II
- Flash
- Flurry
- Flurry II
- Foil
- Full Cure
- Gain-AGI
- Gain-CHR
- Gain-DEX
- Gain-INT
- Gain-MND
- Gain-STR
- Gain-VIT
- Hailstorm
- Hailstorm II
- Haste
- Haste II
- Holy
- Holy II
- Inundation
- Invisible
- Paralyna
- Paralyze
- Paralyze II
- Phalanx
- Phalanx II
- Poisona
- Protect
- Protect II
- Protect III
- Protect IV
- Protect V
- Protectra
- Protectra II
- Protectra III
- Protectra IV
- Protectra V
- Rainstorm
- Rainstorm II
- Raise
- Raise II
- Raise III
- Recall-Jugner
- Recall-Meriph
- Recall-Pashh
- Refresh
- Refresh II
- Refresh III
- Regen
- Regen II
- Regen III
- Regen IV
- Regen V
- Repose
- Reprisal
- Reraise
- Reraise II
- Reraise III
- Reraise IV
- Sacrifice
- Sandstorm
- Sandstorm II
- Shell
- Shell II
- Shell III
- Shell IV
- Shell V
- Shellra
- Shellra II
- Shellra III
- Shellra IV
- Shellra V
- Silena
- Silence
- Slow
- Slow II
- Sneak
- Stona
- Stoneskin
- Teleport-Altep
- Teleport-Dem
- Teleport-Holla
- Teleport-Mea
- Teleport-Vahzl
- Teleport-Yhoat
- Temper
- Temper II
- Thunderstorm
- Thunderstorm II
- Viruna
- Voidstorm
- Voidstorm II
- Windstorm
- Windstorm II