Template talk:Meeble Burrows Header

From FFXI Wiki

As of 12/12 update, the scoring system has changed. Here are some numbers from runs we did on 12/13/2012:

Instructor 3, goal 3, 6 members, 4800 marks

Instructor 4, goal 3, 6 members, 4320 marks

Instructor 5, 5 members, 1680 marks

Associate 1, goal 3, 6 members, 4800 marks

Associate 2, goal 3, 6 members, 3840 marks

Associate 3, goal 1, 6 members, 1440 marks

Associate 4, goal 3, 6 members, 4720 marks

Associate 5, 5 members, 1680 marks

--Senkilara 23:49, 13 December 2012 (EST)

I've updated the template to reflect these numbers as well as added Question to the remaining numbers. (I left the old numbers there for reference.)

--Senkilara 15:01, 17 December 2012 (EST)

Did a few more runs and added them to the tables:

Researcher 1, goal 1, 6 members, 1440 marks

Researcher 1, goal 1, 6 members, 1440 marks

Researcher 3, goal 3, 6 members, 4800 marks

Researcher 4, goal 4, 6 members, 4800 marks

--Senkilara 09:35, 19 December 2012 (EST)