Zilart Mission 16

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(Redirected from The Celestial Nexus)
The Celestial Nexus
Series Rise of the Zilart
Starting NPC None
Title Burier of the Illusion
Repeatable No
Description The fate of Vana'diel awaits you in the Celestial Nexus!
Previous Mission Next Mission
The Sealed Shrine Awakening


  • The The Shrine of Ru'Avitau is full of magic aggro, so even mages should bring along Silent Oil and Prism Powder.
    • Silent Oil for the Detector and the Weapons, Prism Powder for the Golems.
  • Anyone who can sub Ninja will have a far easier time of this BC. That includes mages, as most of the attacks in the fight are absorbed by Utsusemi.
  • You may need someone to operate the Yellow door. The closest Monolith to your location is around I/J-9/10.
  • Go to (I-6) in Ru'Aun Gardens and enter the Shrine. You'll be on Map 2. Sneak and head south. Go past (J-7) through the first yellow door. Go west from here, to the room with 2 Monoliths in (H-7). You'll need Invisible, then go south around the square hallway filled with Aura Statue to another room with 2 Dark Elementals around (H-10).
  • Go north, down a flight of stairs to the Celestial Nexus at (H-9).
  • Gather together and get ready for the last BC of the expansion. You'll be fighting Eald'narche, who has two forms.

Boss Fight

  • Upon clearing the BC, you'll receive a final cutscene and be returned to the Hall of the Gods.
Area Enemy Abilities Notes

Celestial Nexus

Eald'narche - First Form

  • Exoplate:
    • Gaea Stream: Single target damage Verification Needed (~200). Absorbed by Utsusemi.
    • Uranos Cascade: AoE physical damage (~200-400). Absorbed by Utsusemi.
    • Cronos Sling: Cone attack physical damage (~300-600). Absorbed by Utsusemi.
    • Phase Shift: AoE (large area) physical damage (~600-1300), Additional effect of Stun and/or Bind. Absorbed by Utsusemi.
      • Used at around 66%, 33% and 1-2% HP. It gets progressively more powerful.
      • At 1% the Exoplates will not die until they Phase Shift. It is possible to go below 66 and 33% before Phase Shift
  • Eald'narche:
    • Eald'narche uses ancient magic and will cast Sleepga II. Low HP (~2,000) will end him fairly quickly, however.
  • There will be 2 Orbitals, which have very little HP. They will be resummoned if killed. They heavily resist Lullaby, but Sleep is reliable.
  • Exoplates surround Eald'narche and have about 10,000 HP. It does not melee.
  • Go all out, and defeat the Exoplates as quick as possible. You'll want to keep mages far out of range for Phase Shift. When it appears time for a Phase Shift, try to get everyone healed to full and get shadows back up. This will negate most, if not all, damage.
  • If you wipe, wait until you are ejected, as you'll aggro anywhere on the battlefield.

Celestial Nexus

Eald'narche - Second Form

  • Vortex: Medium-range AoE, low damage (~100), with an additional effect of Terror and Bind. Absorbed by Utsusemi.
  • Stellar Burst: AoE, low damage (~100), with an additional effect of Silence. Absorbed by Utsusemi.
  • Omega Javelin: Single target damage (~150), with an additional effect of Petrification. Absorbed by Utsusemi.
  • The second form is against Eald'narche only. He will teleport around like Ark Angel TT and cast various Black Magic spells, including Bindga.
  • He still has relatively low HP (~2,500), but may or may not have a large defense and magic defense boost.
  • You have 1 minute before he aggro's, regardless of your range from him.
  • It has been observed that he may be heavily resistant to magic, however, a Tarutaru BLM/NIN was seen doing all of the damage to this form, ending the fight in 3 spells.
  • He has very fast melee speed, but not quite the speed of Hundred Fists.
  • Poison Potions and Stun can make the second form a lot easier.