Ru'Aun Gardens

From FFXI Wiki
Ru'Aun Gardens
Japanese ル・オンの庭
Map Acquisition Treasure Coffer
Requires Rise of the Zilart
Timeline Present
Region Tu'Lia
Zone Type Field
Activities None
Weather Element: Light Element: Wind
Goblin Footprint (H-11)
All elementals in the area are always present regardless of the overall zone weather conditions.
Ru'Aun Gardens Connected Zone Zones To
(F-8) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg The Shrine of Ru'Avitau (C-11) The Shrine of Ru'Avitau-map1.jpg
(G-6) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg The Shrine of Ru'Avitau (E-4) The Shrine of Ru'Avitau-map1.jpg
(G-9) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg The Shrine of Ru'Avitau (E-12) The Shrine of Ru'Avitau-map2.jpg
(H-8) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg The Shrine of Ru'Avitau (G-12) The Shrine of Ru'Avitau-map1.jpg
(I-6) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg The Shrine of Ru'Avitau (K-4) The Shrine of Ru'Avitau-map1.jpg
(I-9) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg The Shrine of Ru'Avitau (K-12) The Shrine of Ru'Avitau-map2.jpg
(J-8) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg The Shrine of Ru'Avitau (M-11) The Shrine of Ru'Avitau-map1.jpg
(H-13) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg Hall of the Gods (H-4) Hall of the Gods - Map.jpg
(E-7) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg La'Loff Amphitheater (?-?) La'Loff Amphitheater - Map.jpg
(F-11) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg La'Loff Amphitheater (?-?) La'Loff Amphitheater - Map.jpg
(H-4) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg La'Loff Amphitheater (?-?) La'Loff Amphitheater - Map.jpg
(J-11) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg La'Loff Amphitheater (?-?) La'Loff Amphitheater - Map.jpg
(K-7) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg La'Loff Amphitheater (?-?) La'Loff Amphitheater - Map.jpg
(E-8) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg Ve'Lugannon Palace (D-8) Ve'Lugannon Palace Map.jpg
(F-6) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg Ve'Lugannon Palace (D-3) Ve'Lugannon Palace Map.jpg
(F-9) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg Ve'Lugannon Palace (D-12) Ve'Lugannon Palace Map.jpg
(G-5) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg Ve'Lugannon Palace (F-4) Ve'Lugannon Palace Map.jpg
(G-10) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg Ve'Lugannon Palace (G-13) Ve'Lugannon Palace Map.jpg
(I-5) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg Ve'Lugannon Palace (J-4) Ve'Lugannon Palace Map.jpg
(I-10) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg Ve'Lugannon Palace (I-13) Ve'Lugannon Palace Map.jpg
(J-6) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg Ve'Lugannon Palace (L-3) Ve'Lugannon Palace Map.jpg
(J-9) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg Ve'Lugannon Palace (L-12) Ve'Lugannon Palace Map.jpg
(K-8) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg Ve'Lugannon Palace (L-8) Ve'Lugannon Palace Map.jpg
(?-?) Hall of Transference, Dem-map.jpg Hall of Transference, Dem
(Enters From Only)
(G-9) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
(?-?) Hall of Transference, Holla-map.jpg Hall of Transference, Holla
(Enters From Only)
(G-9) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
(?-?) Hall of Transference, Mea-map.jpg Hall of Transference, Mea
(Enters From Only)
(G-9) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
Quick Travel Options Arrives At
Home Point #1
Via Tu'Lia
(H-4) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpgRu'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
Home Point #2
Via Tu'Lia
(F-10) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpgRu'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
Home Point #3
Via Tu'Lia
(E-7) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpgRu'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
Home Point #4
Via Tu'Lia
(K-7) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpgRu'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
Home Point #5
Via Tu'Lia
(J-11) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpgRu'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
Survival Guide
Via Tu'Lia
(H-12) Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpgRu'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
Battle Content Location Notes
Fields of Valor (H-11)
FoV: Elite Training
KI: Elite Training: Chapter 7


Map 1

Zone Information

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 8 Flamingoes
3 Sprinklers
72~76 1,450
2 8 Sprinklers
3 members of the Doll family
73~78 1,500
3 11 members of the Doll family 75~78 1,550
4 2 Fire Elementals
2 Air Elementals
2 Thunder Elementals
78~79 1,600
5 2 Ice Elementals
2 Earth Elementals
2 Water Elementals
78~79 1,600
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Caract Choker icon.png Caract Choker


Fame Name NPC Pos. Zone Rewards
Divine Might Yve'noile Ru'Aun Gardens One of:
1 Teleport into Tu'Lia Green Ru'Aun Pad (G-9) Ru'Aun Gardens Teleport into Ru'Aun Gardens (G-9)


Mission Name Mission Number NPC Storyline
Zilart Mission 14 Rise of the Zilart
Zilart Mission 15 Rise of the Zilart

Notorious Monsters

Notorious Monsters
Lv. Name Genus Drops Map
88-90  Byakko
   Forced: Trade Gem of the West and Autumnstone to ???
This monster is aggressive.
Tiger Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
Map 1
80-82  Despot
   Lottery: "blue light" Groundskeepers in hallway
This monster is aggressive. Sight Magic
Doll Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
Map 1
88-90  Genbu
   Forced: Trade Gem of the North and Winterstone to ???
This monster is aggressive.
Adamantoise Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
Map 1
88-90  Seiryu
   Forced: Trade Gem of the East and Springstone to ???
This monster is aggressive.
Wyvern Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
Map 1
88-90  Suzaku
   Forced: Trade Gem of the South and Summerstone to ???
This monster is aggressive.
Greater Bird Ru'Aun-Gardens-Map.jpg
Map 1
   Voidwatch: Key Item Ashen stratum abyssite III and Key Item Voidstone
This monster is aggressive.
This monster is aggressive. Aggressive   This monster is passive. Passive   Sight Sight   Sound Sound   Scent Scent   HP HP   Links Links
True Sight True Sight   True Sound True Sound   Magic Magic   JA JA


Historical Significance


Ru'Aun Gardens consists of 15 islands. The main island is surrounded by four long islands with different elementals spawning on each end. Though technically not islands, as they are connected to the main island by a small hallway, that's what they look like. These four longer islands are surrounded by a four smaller God islands where the Sky gods are popped and five Ark Angel islands where you access La'Loff Amphitheater to fight the Ark Angels for ZM14. Travel between islands is governed by the various colored portals located throughout the zone. The blue portals link the four longer islands and are activated by a nearby Pincerstone. The yellow portals link the longer islands to the God islands. The yellow portals are always active until someone pops one of the Gods and then the yellow portal connecting to that island is then inactive until the God is dead or has despawned. The red portals link the longer islands to the Ark Angel islands and are always active. There are also two red portals that will transport you back to the first island, where the zone to the Hall of the Gods is located. The green portals are your destination when you travel from one of the Halls of Transference to Ru'Aun Gardens.

Access to Tu'Lia via Teleportation:

Two steps must be completed in order to gain Tu'Lia teleportation privileges.

  • These steps can be performed in either order.


  • You must inspect one of the green teleport pads located at (G-9) or (I-9) in Ru'Aun Gardens with the title "Warrior of the Crystal" in order to register your data.
    • The title "Warrior of the Crystal" is gained upon climbing your race's tower during CoP Mission 8-2.
    • To change your title back to 'Warrior of the Crystal' speak with Aligi-Kufongi (H-9) in Tavnazian Safehold. He will charge you 300 gil for the title change.
  • Visit any of the 3 Crags and enter the Hall of Transference. Trade a Clear Chip icon.png Clear Chip to the Large Apparatus to the right upon entrance, thus repairing it and allowing you to teleport to sky from that crag.

Note: When teleporting, there is a slight chance that the Clear Chip icon.png Clear Chip may break. If it does you must trade a new one to that particular Large Apparatus.