The Naming Game

From FFXI Wiki
The Naming Game
Required Fame Bastok Fame Level: 5
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Raibaht, Metalworks (G-8)
Pack None
Title Hyper Ultra Sonic Adventurer
Repeatable Yes
Description Cid's dream of completing a "semi- perpetual motion engine" can only be realized if he obtains a chunk of legendary ordrynite.
Previous Quest Next Quest
Hyper Active None
  • Set name of new airship which appears in CoP 5-1
  • Counterfeit Gil icon.png 3,600 gil


  • Trade it to Raibaht to complete quest

Name Options

Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4∗
Nothing Nothing Nothing C.I.D.
Ultra Terror Hyper Enterprise
Hyper Perfect Neo Nautilus
Psycho Royale Lovely Gilgamemnon
Eternal Gorgeous Happy Redwing
Neo Pretty Caller Blackjack
Lovely Hell Hound Falcon
Pretty Fantasy XI Highwind
Final Stealth Armored Ragnarok
Extra Powerful Brutal Hilda Garde
Deadly Invincible Buster Prima Vista
Savage Explosive Alpha Red Rose
Aero Storm Chief Fahrenheit
Pseudo Fantastic Provoker -
Universal Duper Mincer -
Exciting Go-Go Streak -
Celestial Morphing King -
Super Retro Prince -
Mighty Sonic Power -
Mega Cloud Robo -
Omni Sky Delver -
Poly Stellar Mystic -

∗ By completing this quest ten times, the the fourth segment is unlocked - which can then be changed from the default (“C.I.D.”).