The Wondrous Whatchamacallit

From FFXI Wiki
The Wondrous Whatchamacallit
Required Fame Bastok Fame Level: 1
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Selliste - Bastok Mines (K-7)
Pack None
Title None
Repeatable No
Description A scatterbrained inventress is hard at work on a miraculous device that will revolutionize the art of synergy in some manner or another. Use your synergy prowess to fashion her some astral matter, and you will be handsomely rewarded.
Previous Quest Next Quest
Synergistic Pursuits None
Synergy skill of 5 or higher.
Astral Matter icon.png Astral Matter
Portafurnace icon.png Portafurnace


Stone Location
Flamestone icon.png Flamestone Cloister of Flames
Froststone icon.png Froststone Cloister of Frost
Galestone icon.png Galestone Cloister of Gales
Tremorstone icon.png Tremorstone Cloister of Tremors
Stormstone icon.png Stormstone Cloister of Storms
Tidestone icon.png Tidestone Cloister of Tides