- The use of Tortoise song will dispel 3 buffs, including food, to all within 20'
- Casts various Earth and Water elemental magic, including -ga V
- Head Butt knocks back quite far, and applies a powerful Defense Down debuff. Uses multiple times in quick succession
- Harden Shell grants a significant reduction in damage taken until dispelled.
- Earth Breath has a 3 second charge-up time. Can easily move to side as a tank to avoid getting hit for full damage.
- Aqua Breath is nearly instant, but deals less damage than Earth breath (about half).
- At 75%, 50%, 25%, 10%, and 5%, it will retreat within its shell and regenerate at an accelerated rate for about 20% of its total life
- Magic bursting with Blizzard while in its shell will stagger (white!!) and force it to come out
- Upon exiting its shell, it will DRAW-IN everyone right in front followed by a Breath Attack. Damage can be avoided by quickly running from it, but movement is hindered from running through/into other players and the TP move is sometimes instant
- If he chooses Earth Breath, if the tank can sidestep fast enough, he can prevent the party/alliance from getting hurt at all if he moves quickly. Due to player collision, needing everyone to move at the same time may he difficult.
- If he chooses Aqua Breath, it should be survivable assuming everyone is topped off, and has a good -DT setup. Stoneskin as well would prevent anyone from dying. Aqua Breath is still nearly instant.
- See the Discussion page for strategies.