Traitor in the Midst

From FFXI Wiki
Traitor in the Midst
Series Wings of the Goddess
Starting NPC N/A
Title None
Repeatable No
Description Cait Sith Naoi is convinced a traitor walks among her kin. Unmasking the turncoat requires that you attach a "shadow bug" to each of the Cait Siths scattered throughout the Beaucedine Glacier.
Previous Mission Next Mission
Northland Exposure Betrayal at Beaucedine


Beaucedine Glacier (S)- Regal Pawprints.png

You must find and plant a Key Item Shadow bug on 5 Cait Siths scattered throughout Beaucedine Glacier (S).
At each tower you will be required to complete a mini game to attach the Key Item Shadow bug to a Cait Sith by clicking the Regal Pawprints.

Note: Order does not matter, in this walkthrough they are listed bottom-to-top. If you use the Survival Guide, reverse the order. Be mindful that there are several other Regal Pawprints in the area used for following missions.
You have three tries to complete each mini game. If you fail, simply try again. You do not need to zone.

  • Cait Sith Coig is at the tower at (J-8). You must hit it with a blow dart to attach the bug.
    • Moves back and forth in a seemingly random pattern.

Note: Easiest way to win the 3 following 'Red Light, Green Light' minigames is to wait till Cait Sith's head is turned 45-degrees to move. The Cait Sith will turn at entirely random intervals. When she turns at a 45-degree angle however, the next turn will always be facing away. This is the very best time to move. You can move 2-4 (even 5 if you're risky) times when she finally does a 45-degree turn.
If you are using the FastCS addon, unload it before initiating this minigame, as it will make it substantially more difficult.

  • Cait Sith Seachd is at the tower at (I-7). You must direct Lilisette in a game of 'Red Light, Green' Light until she is close enough to plant the bug.
    • If you see Lilisette put her hands on her hips it means she will move 2 steps instead of one the next time you tell her to move.
  • Cait Sith Ceithir is at the tower at (G-9). You must direct Portia in a game of 'Red Light, Green Light' until she is close enough to plant the bug.
    • If Portia begins to panic she will be much slower the next time you tell her to move.
  • Cait Sith Aon is at the tower at (H-8). You play a game of 'Red Light, Green' Light in first person view.
    • This is the tower the Campaign Arbiter will teleport you to.
  • Cait Sith Tri is at the tower at (F-7). Here you are transformed into a baby chocobo and have to sneak up on Cait Sith Tri.
    • You only have 1 minute until your disguise wears off.
    • You have the option of either chirping or wiggling your butt to get the Cait Sith's attention.
    • Once the Cait Sith is close enough, a third menu option "Stun!" will appear. Use the stun option to complete this mini game.

Once you have planted a bug on all 5 Cait Sith's, check the Regal Pawprints at (H-10). These pawprints are not at the base of the tower like the others. They are under a large broken tree branch near the tower.