Trial-Size Trial by Ice

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Trial-Size Trial by Ice
Required Fame San d'Oria Fame Level: 2
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Castilchat, Northern San d'Oria (E-7)
Pack None
Title None
Repeatable No
Description The Rhinostery has developed a new "mini" tuning fork of ice. Ringing it upon the protocrystal in Fei'Yin will open the path to a one-on-one battle with the beast that awaits inside. However, only summoners are allowed to take up this challenge.
Previous Quest Next Quest
None None
Summoner Level 20 or higher.



  • Only Carbuncle may be used for this battle.
    • Siren can also be used but it seems unintended.
  • Use pet food (e.g. Grape Daifuku) and bring along a few Dawn Mulsum and juices if you don't want to use Astral Flow
  • You must face this challenge alone.
  • You may buff outside of the fight. Level cap will not dispel them.
  • There is a 15 minutes time limit on the arena.
  • Warning You may re-obtain the Mini Tuning Fork from the starting NPC at any point if you desire and repeat the fight, but the NPC will no longer teleport you to the Cloister.
    • These were historically prized for their teleportation abilities, but Home Point warps have largely supplanted them.