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User:Apelila/Annoyance Guide
Thread can be found here: [1]
This is about things that annoy players on a daily basis. The purpose of this thread is thus:
List occurrences in FFXI which annoy the living shit out out of you that fixing would make the game less tedious. Most of this is really minor crap, but I've seperated it a bit. Minor crap is stuff that makes you go 'why the hell did they do that'. Major crap is "Gee, I wish this would get fixed/updated".
This isn't bitch about X because in your opinion X sucks a fat load of cock(minor), this is bitch about X because it prevents Y from happening, where Y is awesome(major). [b]AV has no place in a daily annoyance thread[/b].
If you’re poping AV every day, you have other problems.
Minor crap
1: Movalpolos items. Specifically, Movalpolos Water
- Stop adding reciepes that use them, its dumb.
2: Make something for beastmen/KS's to be exchanged for./ Or make Shami hold them like sagheera holds ABC's. Instant 2-5 item slots for all.
- I have many stacks of BSs across 3 characters I'm never going to use because runs take to long to organize. KS's don't suffer from this because they are uncapped, only KS99's kind of suck. How about
an uncapped BC battle? How about a solo BC battle like the ENM60?
- Make BS/KS orbs EX, not rare.
3: Elshimo Outpost warps
- Why yes, I did want to aggro that marlboro. (added)Also, its nice the NPC is less chatty. Now shut the fuck up and warp me I'll call you in the morning you dirty whore.
4: BLU/COR/PUP relic
- Where the fuck is it? Where is the AF+1?
5: Spell potency (Stone merits)
- Elemental Alliance having no effect on potency, e.g. Aero IV hits a fire elemental harder than Water IV. It also raises the question why anyone bothered to get Water IV in the first place. This is dumb.
6: BC's / ENM's being a ridiculous pain in the ass to get to
- You could add a quest that would have people’s avatars have to suck on a dick for 3 hours, and people would do it just to get teleport-balga’s dias.
7: The doors (All)
- Why are they still there? Seriously?
8:Set the mother fucking exit for mog houses/zones further forward,
- Or, fix the god damn camera so that I don't run right back into the mog house/zone because I can't tell which direction i'm facing after I zone.
9: Salvage VS Nyzul Isle - FIGHT!
- One limits participating in the other. This is dumb.
10: Lamia in besieged - The real reason level 8 raped everyone.
- Seriously, nerf No2 and give them all a set limit of PC's they can interact with. Seeing 100 people charmga-ed for 30 minutes straight is a real pain in the ass.
- Also: Stripga. Actually, the fact that every lamia has a -Ga in general that has no set limit to how many people it can fuck up the ass.
11: Speaking of besieged...
- .............wait for it....................................wait for it.........................................wait for it.......................................wait for it........................wait for it..............ok now.
12: 30 second penalty for boarding an airship
- And then it leaves when you're a foot away. RAGE.
13: The FFXI shortcut icon
- It loads POL. /smack
14: Aht Urghan whitegate is still a shitty lag fast
- The lure of the wildcat warp fixed this a bit, but not completely. 2 fixes:
- 5 minute homepoint in besieged.
- make a warp to whitegate from Jeuno, it annoys me that
15: Runic portal tickets/Aht urgan Currancy
- These are a pain in the ass to get. Make a way to get these in not a laggy area. Also: Runic portal tickets.
16: 2 beds and two bottles of potion take up the same amount of space.
- Another one I don't need to comment on
17: HQ Gear not being storable
- I'd really like to see them put in storage for new gear sets period since this hasn't been done in like, over a year
18: Chat filter for other people's macros
- Make xping in the 30's that much more bearable! Stupid whm's with your "May altana fuck your mother" spam.
19: Why are there Guild shop hours?
- The other NPC's dont close, and its not like these despawn.
Major Crap
1:Call for help on any Notorious monster
- Do I really have to say anything?
2:Blinking making you lose target.
- Every Whitemage/Tank in the game: Please fix this.
3: Macro's kind of blow when your leveling your 4/5'th job.
- I can has POL backup option? Added: To the server, so I don't have to ](*,) if I want to play on my 360 on my TV.
4: No, I do not want to change my homepoint after changing jobs. My homepoint is already where I am.
- I don't have a job below lvl 20. Thank you for making me take 30 seconds to zone out when my homepoint was already there. Why can you not turn this off?
5:20 minute recast on T2 Merit abilities
- And you can only get them both down to 15. Go fuck a donkey.
6: Allow players to keep OP warps when changing nations
- I will never, ever ever do any other nations rank quests because I have ronfaure and sarat[tab]. Do I want to do them? Yes. Will I because of the 300 gil warp from bastok to windurst? Fuck no.
7:Please make AF+1 items sellable/storable by Sagheera
- Nothing sucks more balls than a limbus run full of DRG af+1 items when no one has DRG leveled is in attendance. Alternatively, nothing sucks more balls than getting 20 Apolloyon BLM items and one temenos item in the course of 6 months. Actually, the way drops for AF+1 work sucks balls in general. Its a giant ball sucking circle. At the very least it would be awesome if Sagheera would take AF+1 items like she takes coins.
8:Kings camping
- Not having done this, I can only surmise from what I’ve read. And that is you’ve made 100+ people waste 3 hours of their time every day for the chance to claim fafnir. Its kind of sad one of the reasons people are excited for the new expansion is ‘hey, less competition in Dragons’ Aery”. This is dumb.
9:Things dying unclaimed to DoT.
- Why yes, it did manage to kill everyone. And then it died, cold and alone.
10:Drop rates - shitty drops rates on shitty mobs for a shitty item is shitty.
- I did enjoy the 1m over the course of going 1/17 on my shaman's cloak. Can you maybe release/hint at whatever makes mob drops increase outside of treasure hunter?
11:Whats also dumb is making it so the game never tells you how to do something, ever. Like pop a mob.
- /wave Goblin wolfman, [url=http://www.bluegartrls.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=21326]Yagudo Avatar[/url](if its still broken)
12:Huge empty zones that nobody ever touches
- Would it be possible to have an update where nothing was done but moved mob spawn patterns around to create new exp camps? Make xping in levelcapped area’s grant a bonus no matter what level the player is?
13:The random kirin porter
- Does the elevator at Squareenix have a ? button? No it doesn’t? I wonder why.
15:If I'm 90 levels above the synthesis level, the synthesis shouldn't critical fail
- Again, this is dumb. Anything put in the game that would make this not happen (HQ crystal never failing, but cannot be used for desynth for instance) would result in much less annoyance over all.
16: Imbalances in Player//Mob stats.
- If I’m 20 levels above a mob on whitemage, it’s a scary thing. If a mob that’s a white mage is 20 levels above me no matter what the job, it totally rapes my face and then video tapes its buddies sodomizing the corpse.
17:Monster movement and PC's being 'to far away' or not in relation to the monster
- Sneak attack making your delay go down to something lik 5 would be good for this, but also not making sneak attack add +300 delay would be nice as well.
- Its dumb that I can spam my WS macro and because the server says the monster is 5 yalms away I loose all my TP.
- Its [b]really dumb[/b] that monsters can hit me if they’re running after me, but I can’t do the same to them.
18: Instanced zones that give you 30 seconds then kick you out, nullifying the drop pool.
- This makes the game less fun and needs to be fixed, there isnt anything funny about it.
19: People being able to break ally/ quartermaster with items in the drop pool
- Items in drop pool should mean party lead can’t do shit other than change leader and /pcmd leave.
- Seriously. Also, make the Tavnazian ring a 5 hour recharge and level 55.
21: Mog House Delivery - from your mog house
- I see those items I can Dbox in white on the right side. I know its there. Make it happen.
22:Khroma Ore
- Thanks for nice items in salvage. Can we have them now?
23: Fix signet more.
- The first baby steps where good. You can do better.
24: 24 hour NM windows
- This is dumb
25: NM's that Pop on Ferry's
- Screw you whoever made this, screw you with the ugly of a million lemon parties.
26: Reraise being dispelled
- There isn’t anything that changing this would make less challenging and more engaging.
27: XXXX wears off being the same color as other status effect messages
- Fix this and RDM's will sex you up.
28: Day/Weather crap and the fact that a full set of mage crap to benefit from it takes up 24 spots.
- No really, 2 staves. "Light" and "Dark" based. Again, sex from the mages.
29:Quests that take hours to complete and give no reward/shitty reward
30:Coffer keys
- Make an NM in the zone thats in an easy place to kill, has a 30 minute repop time, and ONLY drops the coffer key. Make it level 65
Nice Stuff
1: ToA missions* being passable by a balanced party of 6.
- (at least the 2 i've done)
2: 'Fixing' some jobs that where missing abilities that make them viable now
- Why'd you stop this?
3: Suppapocolypse
- There's other things that need to be requestable too. Hi2U Aht Urgan ring.
Player stuff
Crap that SE can't fix but is still dumb:[/b](Player comments, but it is a list of annoying things) 1: RDM's bitching about main healing in Meripo
- Quit using Cure IV bitch.
2: People who have no clue
- See those byakko pants? did you win lot on them the first time? So you've been there before? Figure it out again, I'm not telling you how.
3: Leeches
- Who needs to show up to events when the linkshell leader is your brother?(Direct Copy pasta)
4: World Maintenance's
- During the weekday is fine, but how about during JP's primetime for once?
Job specific annoyances
1: It's ridiculous that people consider WHM "risky" as a merit or instance healer(copypasta)
- Well, you can't make bad players less bad. But any good WHM on RDM/WHM will be able to go longer and be more effective than WHM/Anything. This is dumb.
2: Stop buttfucking BLM's. 1 xp camp at 75, forced to solo once they hit 55+ thanks to colibri, and more equipment to haul around than a 1980's Madona show.
- We get it, you want them to suffer for being awesome. Let up just a bit? The black eyes arn't pretty.
3: SMN is basically a shittier version of Beastmaster
- Free pets and all
4: Corsair cards being elemental based
- Why did there need to be 8 cards when there are 8 abilities that are seperated by element?
5: Why is THF only their for treasure hunter? They get nothing that 90% of people will ever have access to to make the job shine compared to other jobs at 75.
- Actually, why did we have her come THF again? Oh, right, it was that or Dragoon and the main ally is full.
6: Give puppets party buff that isn't healing magic. You're already forcing them to /whm.
- Refreshga would divide the internet by zero, and i've always wanted to hear part of the internet die. Also, seeing every rdm in the game jealous of puppetmaster....c'mon. Please?